QUARTIC STATUS Nov 19 th 2014 Mike Albrow, Fermilab Baseline Plan Detector : Optics, SiPMs, (Readout board, connectors – S. Los) Time schedule Testing Extra: R&D for “upgrade” detectors (for 2016?) Apologies for chaotic presentation
1) Excellent time resolution (σ(t) ~ 20 ps 10 ps) 2) Edgeless on beam side (Δx <~ 200 μm) 3) Radiation hard close to beam (~ p/cm 2 ) 4) Fast readout (25 ns crossings) --- & trigger signal 5) Segmentation (multi-hit capability) Solution developed: Cherenkov light (prompt) in solid: quartz. Other e.g. sapphire under study Segmentation using array of quartz bars. Light detected in array of SiPMs or MicroChannel Plate (MCP-) PMTs Bar geometries take light away from beam (high radiation zone). Requirements on timing detectors:
Prototype module designed and made for Moving Beam Pipe … now modified for Roman Pot (2 in 1) but not yet made and tested
Main structural block machined from Single block of Al by electro-erosion It could also be 3D printed in other (lighter) materials Plate fits in top, rectangular holes in which SiPMs sit. Light pressure contact to Quartz bars. Connected to readout plate with through-conducting film. SiPMS not soldered, can be easily replaced. 3D printed: Prototype module made, but with Moving Beam Pipe geometry
Quartz bars (Specialty Glass)Bar positioning plate. Round holes to just fit square bars. Holes are countersunk for easy positioning over all bars at once. This was made by 3D printing. Quick cheap and precise (ordered one, gave us two)
Tests at Fermilab Jan 2014: 20-bar module but MBP geometry (not Roman pot) Sergey Los, electronics engineer. Designed SiPM readout board. Plans to be 0.2 FTE on CT-PPS if approved with funding. MCP-PMT420 in beam, reference time, Cherenkov light in 8mm Quartz window σ(t) ~ 8 ps Laser at beam ht
MBP Module For RP cut off bottom and rotate: Long bars horizontal out of pot Module in test beam with inspection plate removed. Beam from left Front plate: idea was to inject light Into each bar with a fiber + diffuser That is tricky. But will mount two LEDs inside box to shine pulsed light so all SiPMs see a signal. Monitors ON/OFF and (to some exrent) stabilty
Cherenkov light in quartz bars – n=1.475, =47.3 o, at 350 nm. – 2.20 g·cm −3, I = 44.5 cm. Quartic module: – 4x5=20 3x3 mm 2 bar elements – 200 μm wire grid separating the bars – active area is 12.6 mm x 15.8 mm Further developments for 2015: L-bars + long life multi-anode MCP-PMTs Finer segmentation. Materials (e.g. sapphire) PROTONS SiPM photo- detector array QUARTICs chosen as baseline timing detector for CT-PPS
20 bars per module, 4 modules (2/arm) Vladimir Samoylenko at IHEP has some funding for sapphire in detectors. He has ordered sapphire bars for 2 modules. We bought quartz bars from Specialty Glass. Q-bars for 2 modules IHEP or Fermilab Depending on funding available.
A weakness of design is that a particle through short bars goes through light guides of longer bars, and gives about 3 mm of signal. We saw these small signals. This is like “cross talk” and affects granularity / segmentation. On the positive side, if there is only one particle in that Y-row we get extra signals that in principle improve resolution. We did not have time to test this.
Scheme: 20 L-bar block assembled with front clamp, positioning plate, wire spacers As a whole and inserted / removable at last stage i.e. box not built “around” bar block. SiPMs “dropped in” to rectangular holes in plate, easily changeable Dmitry has done excellent work, detailing design and working on integration in pot (His talk today)
If Fermilab has to pay assembly, and has funds, prefer to construct at Fermllab
November 18, Timing detector modules Before 16/01/2015: Order quartz bars (IHEP), 8 weeks delivery to Fermilab. Complete design of SiPM readout board. Complete specifications and design of interface plate (connections between SiPMs and readout electronics). Order (100) SiPMs Approve design of modules. Before 20/02/2015: Construction and assembly of one prototype module at CERN, sent to Fermilab. Quartz bars delivered to Fermilab. SiPMs delivered to Fermilab. SiPM readout boards ordered and delivered to Fermilab. Before 31/03/2015: Assemble SiPM boards, with cables to interface plate. Check SiPMs Measure quartz bars, optical properties (transmission) Assemble prototype module at Fermilab. Before 17/04/2015: Deliver prototype module to CERN for beam tests. Before 30/05/2015: Beam tests with a reference time counter (Quartz radiator with MCP-PMT), fast scope (DRS4) and tracking information. Evaluate efficiency, calibrations, segmentation, and time resolution in x,y plane. Confirm or modify design. Before 31/08/2015: Construct four modules and deliver to CERN Timing readout system Before 16/1/2015: Design of the NINO board concluded Before 21/3/2015: NINO boards fabricated Before 30/5/2015: NINO boards tested with CAEN VME HPTDC, and integrated with Quartic module (possibly in test beam) Before 17/4/2015: Design of the HPTDC board concluded Before 31/7/2015: HPTDC boards fabricated Detector and readout integration Before 30/09/2015: CERN Beam tests of all four modules with associated to readout electronics October/2015Ready for installation Schedule for Timing Detector (Joao’s LHCC Refs presentation Nov 17jh
Test beams April 2015 prototype module at Fermilab, 120 geV p, read with fast ‘scope (DRS4) 8 or 12 channels with reference time signal from PMT240 MCP-PMT in beam (8 ps) Would like 1 or 2 people to come here to participate and analyse the waveform data. Sept/Oct Real modules in beam at CERN with Si tracking This needs a larger team effort, including “Root” analysis quasi-online of data. Combining tracking with quartic. Services, Cables, controls etc in tunnel (in TOTEM already?) Simulations GEANT simulations done of optics (Vladimir Samoylenko) for quartz and sapphire. Need to integrate is system and do full simulation including interactions etc. Including behaviour of photodetectors. Including radiation levels expected. Need to make specific predictions for test beam performance to compare with data. Do we understand everything? >>>>> + Lauren & Louvain ?
Testing: Pre-beam: LED pulser: all channels see signal. With beam (β = 1, e.g protons >~ 25 GeV): Want tracking to interpolate position to < ~ 100 μm (scan x,y and gaps) Reference time signal (e.g quartz + MCP-PMT at back) Can we read out all 20 channels? HPTDC. With waveform option (fast scope) Trigger counters (e.g. we used 2mm x 2mm scintillator) Remote controlled scanning tables: Coarse to move everything to beam spot (How big? ~ 1 cm?) Fine scanning of detector with trigger etc fixed on beam. Spill structure? Rate? Schedule? 24/7 or 12/7? Two weeks? People, especially analysers for on-line turn-round
Schedule to get modules ready for insertion in 2015 aggressive. Minimum needed is one per arm (time difference pL – pR essential) Assumes next prototype (1 st with Roman Pot configuration) is good or only Mnor/safe modifications. This kept anyway, 4 new identical modules to make. Concern is availability of the right effort (Lab priorities) If we do not have sufficient US-CMS funding in place by Jan 1 st we will need to have a serious discussion about back-up solutions. The key purse-holders know this. Concluding remarks Extras, including R&D ideas
QUARTIC continued R&D : Address the time resolution, segmentation issues Also more rad hard than SiPMs Replace Array of SiPMs with a multi-anode MCP-PMT. E.g. Planacon (Burle-Photonis) ALD microchannel plates (longer life for photocathode) Anode pads optimised for bar configuration. Reduction in gaps (back to < ~ 100 um? High precision manufacture.
Geometry 1: angled bar QUARTIC Set-up in Mtest, with PMT240 (2 MCPs, 40mm diam) > 20K$ each! Not segmented. Resolution vs # bars: 2 modules 10 ps Need segmented anode. Lifetime limit, now “solved” This geometry pursued by ATLAS with improvements. 48 o
!.5mm x 1.5mm bars would fit naturally Q: Investigate feasibility, fragility, cost etc of 1.5 mm bars Maybe keep 3 x 3mm bars at large distance from the beam. Total Internal reflection even more critical (2x number of reflections). SPTR ~ factor 3 faster than Hamamatsu SiPM. + Better UV sensitivity (200 nm)
Detectors with high precision timing (σ t ~ 10 ps = 3 mm light travel) Michael Albrow for T979 detector development & test beam project Classical particle timing measurements : measure speed, + momentum mass (π/K/p e.g.) Here: Know speed (β = 1) so time path length spatial position at time of initial interaction. At LHC, may be ~ 40 inelastic collisions in one bunch crossing (red area) time Space (z) BEAM 1 BEAM 2 σ(z) ~ 50 mm σ(t) ~ 150 ps Timing on jets, << 150 ps, can match jets to the same collision in time as well as space. Many m 2 areas needed T979 is for small areas, a few cm 2, for a CMS project Early development together with ATLAS group. Later at 420 m p + p p + WW + p or p + H + p and nothing else! But two detected protons usually come from different collisions! Time difference came from same z ? (few mm) and where in z, match to WW, jets, H etc. With Sergey Los, Erik Ramberg, Anatoly Ronzhin, Andriy Zatserklyaniy