Photoshop Tutorial Greyson M
The Patch Tool Say you want to get rid of something or someone from a picture. Maybe… This guy?
The Patch Tool If so, the Patch Tool can help in quite a few cases, where the background is similar throughout the photo.
This is the Patch Tool. You can find it between the Dropper and Brush tools.
Using the Patch Tool
First, you need to open Photoshop and the picture you want to use. Perfect.
Using the Patch Tool Next, select the Patch Tool. You should now have a lasso selector in your hand. Select the area you want to remove. Start small! You may not be able to remove everything if you select a large area at first. I’ll start with his head.
Using the Patch Tool Next, left-click and drag the selected area to the area you want it to be replaced with. Finally…
Using the Patch Tool Release!
Using the Patch Tool Oh… That doesn’t look too good. That’s because we forgot to tell photoshop to make the area content-aware.
Using the Patch Tool Go to the top toolbar, and select the dropdown next to where it says “Patch:” Then, make sure that the Patch is selected as “Content-Aware.”
Using the Patch Tool Try moving the patch again. Better.
Using the Patch Tool Now let’s remove the rest of him. Good, he’s gone now. But we should still probably fill all that empty space in with someone else. Someone sensible. Maybe…?
Placing Images
It’s impossible to do much of anything with photoshop if you don’t know how to add extra images to your project.
Placing Images First, hit “File” in Photoshop’s header.
Placing Images Then, select “Place” from about halfway down the tab.
Placing Images Then choose to add in the image you want.
Placing Images Position, scale, and rotate the image to where you want it, and then hit “enter.”
Flipping Objects
Say you’d rather have the image facing the other way. To do so, right click on the image and, at the bottom of the menu, hit “flip vertical” or “flip horizontal.” I flipped him horizontally. Note: This can’t be done after you hit “enter!”
The Magic Eraser
Say you want to get rid of a similar-looking area, without the tediousness of the eraser. This is where the Magic Eraser helps the most.
The Magic Eraser First, right click on the eraser tool. A menu should pop up. In the middle is the Magic Eraser tool. Click that. Choose any area you want to remove. It will remove all similar colors to the area you chose.
The End.