18.1 The Geography of Japan - pp pp
A Chain of Islands pts 1. Archipelago a. Define it b. Draw it
A Chain of Islands 2. The Islands of Japan list five important facts
A Chain of Islands 3. The Ring of Fire a. Define it b. List three ways it affects Japan
Landforms and Climate – pts 4. Size a. describe the size of the country b. Describe the size of the population c. What is the result when you take a. and b. into consideration?
Landforms and Climate – pts 5. Mountains and Plains a. What is the result of 4/5 of Japan being mountainous?
Landforms and Climate – pts 6. Mild Climates a. describe the climate b. tell the effect of the climate
Landforms and Climate – pts 7. Intensive land use a. Describe five intensive farming methods the Japanese have utilized
Landforms and Climate – pts 8. Harvests from the Sea a. Identify the main idea of this paragraph
Limited Mineral Resources pp. 391 Read Limited Mineral Resources List the five most important facts 5 points
People of Japan pp Read People of Japan List the five most important facts 5 pts.
Write a Letter Home Imagine you have recently moved to Japan Write a letter home, of at least five lines, describing the geography of Japan. Include at least three facts from your notes. Underline the facts in your writing. 8 points