Chapter 24 Section 4 During the 1970s, Americans During the 1970s, Americans strengthen their efforts to address strengthen their efforts to address the.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 24 Section 4 During the 1970s, Americans During the 1970s, Americans strengthen their efforts to address strengthen their efforts to address the nation’s environmental problems. the nation’s environmental problems. Section 4: Environmental Activism: The Roots of Environmentalism Section 4: Environmental Activism: The Roots of Environmentalism Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring warns against use of pesticides Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring warns against use of pesticides argues poisons kill food, harmless animals as well as pests argues poisons kill food, harmless animals as well as pests Becomes best seller; leads JFK to establish advisory committee Becomes best seller; leads JFK to establish advisory committee chemical companies claim book inaccurate, threaten suits chemical companies claim book inaccurate, threaten suits Carson starts national focus on environmental issues Carson starts national focus on environmental issues

Chapter 24 Section 4 The First Earth Day The First Earth Day Earth Day—celebration highlighting environmental awareness Earth Day—celebration highlighting environmental awareness First observed 1970 by communities, thousands of schools, colleges First observed 1970 by communities, thousands of schools, colleges The Government Takes Action The Government Takes Action Nixon not an environmentalist— active protector of environment Nixon not an environmentalist— active protector of environment Signs Clean Air Act, creates Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Signs Clean Air Act, creates Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) main government arm on environmental issues main government arm on environmental issues 1970s, Congress passes 35 laws on conservation, clean up 1970s, Congress passes 35 laws on conservation, clean up

Chapter 24 Section 4 Environmental Concerns in the 1970s Environmental Concerns in the 1970s Balancing Progress and Conservation in Alaska Balancing Progress and Conservation in Alaska Pipeline creates jobs, revenue, worries over wildlife, native people Pipeline creates jobs, revenue, worries over wildlife, native people Nixon gives millions of acres to native tribes for conservation, use Nixon gives millions of acres to native tribes for conservation, use Carter sets aside 56 million acres as national monuments Carter sets aside 56 million acres as national monuments 1980, Congress adds 104 million acres as protected areas 1980, Congress adds 104 million acres as protected areas

Chapter 24 Section 4 The Debate over Nuclear Energy The Debate over Nuclear Energy Many think nuclear power good Many think nuclear power good alternative to foreign oil alternative to foreign oil Opponents contend nuclear plants, waste potentially harmful Opponents contend nuclear plants, waste potentially harmful Environmental Concerns in the 1970s Environmental Concerns in the 1970s Three Mile Island Three Mile Island March 1979, reactor at Three Mile Island nuclear plant malfunctions March 1979, reactor at Three Mile Island nuclear plant malfunctions Low-level radiation escapes; 100,000 people evacuated from area Low-level radiation escapes; 100,000 people evacuated from area Incident rekindles debate over safety of nuclear power Incident rekindles debate over safety of nuclear power Nuclear Regulatory Commission strengthens safety standards Nuclear Regulatory Commission strengthens safety standards - also improves inspection procedures - also improves inspection procedures

Chapter 24 Section 4 In the end, the reactor was brought under control, although full details of the accident were not discovered until much later, following extensive investigations by both a presidential commission and the NRC. In the end, the reactor was brought under control, although full details of the accident were not discovered until much later, following extensive investigations by both a presidential commission and the NRC. The Kemeny Commission Report concluded that "there will either be no case of cancer or the number of cases will be so small that it will never be possible to detect them. The Kemeny Commission Report concluded that "there will either be no case of cancer or the number of cases will be so small that it will never be possible to detect them. The same conclusion applies to the other possible health effects."Several epidemiological studies in the years since the accident have supported the conclusion that radiation releases from the accident had no perceptible effect on cancer incidence in residents near the plant, though these findings have been contested by one team of researchers The same conclusion applies to the other possible health effects."Several epidemiological studies in the years since the accident have supported the conclusion that radiation releases from the accident had no perceptible effect on cancer incidence in residents near the plant, though these findings have been contested by one team of researchers

Chapter 24 Section 4 Quiz 1.) What is the celebration highlighting environmental awareness called? a.) Natural Resource Day b.) Earth Day c.) Conservation Day 2.) When was this event first celebrated? a.) 1970 b.) 1960 c.) ) What did Carter set aside 56 million acres for? a.) New built cities b.) Land for farmers to claim c.) National Monuments 4.) What agency did the Clean Air Act create? a.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) b.) Americans for Conservation Agency (ACA) c.) Earth Day Agency (EDA) 5.) What type of energy did many people think was a good alternative to foreign oil? a.) Biodiesel energy b.) Non renewable energy c.) Nuclear energy 6.) What happened at Three Mile island? a.) Radiation escaped b.) Prisoners of war escaped c.) An attempt to overthrow the Government was executed 7.) What conclusions did scientific researchers come to about the Three Mile Island incident? a.) That cancer outbreak did not increased due to this incident b.) That the incident would cause cancer in most people within a 2 mile radius c.) That the incident would cause cancer in most people with a 100 mile radius 8.) What was the reaction to these results? a.) They went uncontested b.) The public demanded that all nuclear energy be abandoned c.) It has been contested by a group of scientist 9.) How were environmental movements received in the 1970’s? a.) They were rejected because Americans wanted their energy b.) They gained support c.) The American Public paid very little attention to the issues 10.) What did opponents of environmental movements mostly debate? a.) That they would lead to job loss b.) That they would lead to bad foreign relations due to not using foreign oil c.) That their tactics were wasteful