Kondo GNANVO University of Virginia (UVa) Update on GEM Activities for the 12 GeV Program in Hall A at JLab
K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 2 Outline Experiments in Hall A for the 12 GeV CEBAF at Jlab. GEM R&D Activities at University of Virginia (UVa). New design for the SBS Back Tracker GEMs. Plans for large area GEM R&D.
The 12 GeV CEBAF at Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory (Jlab) K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 3 CEBAF: Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility Beam energy : 11/12 GeV Beam power : 1 MW Beam current (Hall A/D): 85/5 µA Beam polarization: 85% 12 GeV: 10 nm-rad Energy 12 GeV: 0.02% Beam spot ; ~ 0.1mm Simultaneous beam delivery Up to 3 halls
Super Bigbite Spectrometer (SBS) in Hall JLab K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 4 Large luminosity Moderate acceptance Forward angles Reconfigurable detectors GEP5 setup General Purpose Spectrometer for 12GeV DIS and SIDIS experiments High Luminosity Spectrometer: /cm 2 /s, High background: 500 kHz/cm 2 (low energy photons mainly) General Purpose will be used in different configurations for 12GeV nucleon elastic form factor and SIDIS experiments Forward angle, Large acceptance, Good angular and momentum resolutions: 0.2 mrad, 4-8 GeV/c
Requirement for SBS Tracking K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 5
Choice of the GEM Technology K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 6
7 Design done by E. Cisbani (INFN Roma, Italy) 50 x 40 cm 2 modules are assembled to form larger chambers with different sizes Front Tracker: Six 40 cm x 150 cm 2 GEMs INFN Funding: to be built in Italy (E. Cisbani, Roma, Catania) Back Trackers: Eight 50 x 200 cm 2 GEMs 40 to be built in Univ. Of Virginia ×6 18 modules In Italy 40 modules In Virginia ×(4+4) Back Trackers Front Trackers SBS GEM Design
Front Trackers HV Terminal Reference holes Gas In/Out ZIF terminal (0.3 mm pitch) Protection resistors on each HV sectors 20 HV sectors on one side of the GEM SBS GEM Design K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY COMPASS 2D strip readout Original design with ZIF connectors UVa proto I used Panasonic connectors Grounded ring to connect to the FE card GND 8 R/O with Panasonic UVa Design done by E. Cisbani (INFN Roma, Italy)
Our Class 1000 Clean Room (3.5 × 3 m 2 ) K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 9 N 2 HV Test Box Pico-ammeter Storage Shelves Stretching Device Display Monitor Storage Cabinet Ultrasonic bath Mechanical stretching device HV Test N2 Gas box Keithley Picoammeter 6487 with 500 V source Ohmmeter Ultrasonic bath (Elmasonic S900H ) Storage shelves for the GEM foils and frames etc … Built originally for the BigBite drift chambers construction
Assembly Steps of the SBS GEM Prototype at UVa K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 10 N 2 Box for HV test of GEM Foils Test of the Spacer Frames Preparing the frames Resistors been soldered on GEM Preparation of the readout board Stretching of GEM foils Stretching device inspired from Benciveni (LNF) and Cisbani (Roma) designs
SBS GEM Prototypes at UVa K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 11 UVa Proto I with Panasonic connectors First prototype built at Rome (E. Cisbani, 2010) Beam DESY Low intensity electron beam 2-6 GeV at few KHz trigger rate. Lost the chamber because of HV manipulation Two prototypes just built at Uva (2012) First proto under test since July 2012 Second just completed UVa Proto II with ZIF connectors First SBS Proto built at Roma
Preliminary tests on SBS GEM Proto I K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Distribution of the mean ADC count: Gain uniformity Y-axis (mm) X-axis (mm) Set of strips on one side of the chamber not connected very noisy channels Good overall gain uniformity Good X-Y charge sharing (ratio 1.1) X/Y (ADC) = 1.12
APV25-SRS UVa K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Developed by RD51 Collaboration (CERN) 16 APV25 cards + 1 set of ADC/FEC board 2046 channels Data through Gb Ethernet via UDP using DATE software developed by ALICE DAQ Decoder + basic data analysis with AMORE Framework provided by ALICE DAQ X-axis Y-axis
APV25-MPD UVa K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Developed for SBS GEM Trackers by Paolo Musico (INFN Genova) Minimum electronics components (front-end + VME custom module), ZIF connectors to the GEM (no soldering on the readout foil) Interconnecting backplane connection between front- end and VME Standalone DAQ + ROOT based primary analysis available X-axis t1 Y-axis t1 X-axis, t ns Y-axis t ns
New design for SBS Back Tracker GEMs Main changes for the new SBS GEM module design Larger active area (50 x 50 cm 2 ) and readout board design modified Larger frame provide better stretching and support of the chamber Protection resistors outside the chamber (no soldering on the GEM foils) 4 modules needed for the SBS Back Tracker chamber unit (200 x 50 cm 2 ) SBS chamber unit Significant reduction of the overall dead area of the chamber unit 32 instead of 40 modules needed for the backtrackers at a lower overall cost K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY cm
New design for SBS Back Tracker GEMs K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 16 Final design at CERN (August 2012) Panasonic connectors for the r/o strips On flexible Kapton in the vertical axis Solid support G10 on the horizontal axis 24 HV sectors on the foil with 2 sets of HV contacts on each side of the chamber. Large readout support with fixation holes
Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID)in Hall JLab K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY 17 General Purpose Deep Inelastic Scattering for Parity Violation will be used in different configurations for 12GeV PVDIS and SIDIS experiments 4 GEM layers, 120 GEM modules, Largest GEM module similar size as CMS GEM CO2 gas Cerenkov detector: Temple U, Stonybrook Heavy Gas Cerenkov: Temple U., Duke EM Calorimeters : W&M, UVa, UMass, LANL,Duke GEM detectors: UVa, Miss State, Chinese Collaboration (CIAE, Huangshan U, PKU, LZU, Tsinghua, USTC), UKY, Korean Collaboration (Seoul National U) Scintillator: Chinese Collaboration, Duke MRPC: Tsinghua Univ., Duke Electronics: JLab DAQ: Jlab and UMass Magnet: JLab and Argonne Simulation: Umass, Uva, Syracuse and Duke
Prototyping Large Area GEM for Future Projects K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY cm 99.5 cm 22 cm SIDIS PVDIS Brookhaven R&D funding at UVa for a large area GEM for EIC Forward Tracker Common prototype R&D for EIC FT and SoLID spectrometer at JLab Chamber size very similar to CMS GEM Chamber for high Eta Muon detector SoLID 4 GEM layers, 120 GEM modules Largest GEM module 100 cm x (22-45 cm) Total area ~ 23 m2
Summary K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY GEM detectors to play a big role in Hall A Spectrometers for JLab 12 GeV Two big project: SBS (approved), SoLID (proposal0 Large area GEM no longer an issue Univ. of Virginia and INFN Roma to build the SBS Tracker GEMs Three prototypes built: one in Roma, two at Univ. of Virginia, Prototypes being currently chartacterized Upgrade of the SBS Back Trackers GEM design completed Improve the stretching of the GEM foil and facilitate the assembly and handling of the chamber Design of the SoLID/EIC large prototype is on going. Design inspired by the CMS GEM trapezoidal chamber 2D UV Readout to be produced and tested early next year APV25 (both SRS and MPD) systems at work in UVa detector Lab More than 5K channels available. Some improvement needed on the MPD decoding and analysis software We need to modify the Italian APV25 FE card and backplanes the new Back Trackers GEM design
GEM Univ. of Virginia K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY Senior Research Scientist: Prof. Nilanga Liyanage, Dr Vladimir Nelyubin Research Scientist: Dr Kondo Gnanvo Students: Kiadtisak Saenboonruang, Chao Gu, Xinzhan Bai, Taylor Sholtz, Seth Saher …
Issues with the chamber efficiency K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
Backup K. Gnanvo - WG1 RD51 Coll. Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY
The GEM Foil Stretcher UVa Stretcher device upgraded from Benciveni (LNF. Italy) and Cisbani (Roma, Italy) Improvement Foil is stretched in less than 30 min 7 Load cells with max tension of 23 kg over 13 cm Various tension test on mock foils at 0.25kg/cm, 0.35kg/cm, 0.75kg/cm Monitoring displays of the measured tension T = 0.35 kg/cm Stretched & framed GEM foil