ZIP LINING By: Alexis Garofalo, Josephine Hooks, Jack Rhimer, Jeremy Harris, & Aaron Whipple
ZIP LINING The Adventure Park is located at Virginia Aquarium. The Adventure Park consists of 13 different “ropes courses” of varying challenge levels, from introductory to advanced. The way they are labeled is similar to the way the ski slopes are – green being the easiest, followed by blue being intermediate, and black diamond, advanced.
ZIP LINING & OTHER OBSTACLES ZIP LINING & OTHER OBSTACLES These obstacles give you a great workout and also work on trust building within the group. This is a great way to relax outdoors. They use every piece of wood or rope they get to make their rope course and zip line.
THE ADVENTURE PARK NOTES The Labyrinth- super jungle gym is not just for adults but for teens and kids as well. The Labyrinth- super jungle gym is not just for adults but for teens and kids as well. The Adventure Park is a great tourist attraction that shows how much Virginia Beach cares about an eco-friendly environment. The Adventure Park is a great tourist attraction that shows how much Virginia Beach cares about an eco-friendly environment.
BENEFITS TO ENVIRONMENT There are no motors allowed at the park. There are no motors allowed at the park. Without having to use motors, it creates less air pollution and allows the Adventure Park to use less money on gas. Without having to use motors, it creates less air pollution and allows the Adventure Park to use less money on gas. No Motors Allowed!
WORKS CITED PAGE "The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium | Ziplining Virginia Beach." Virginia Beach Adventure Park. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May "Zip Line Safety Information." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 30 Oct Web. 13 May 2015.