Don’t move firewood it bugs me! An Inquiry Based Lesson Cycle on Invasive Species By Jeff Anderson & Leslie Silbernagel Northwest Local School District Cincinnati, Ohio
Ohio Resource Center and Learning and Teaching Collaborative Goal: Each team created 2 inquiry based lesson cycles, that integrated several nonfictional texts and aligned to Ohio’s New Learning Standards (ONLS) for Science in grades K-5.
Nonfiction Text Set Today there is a much greater emphasis on nonfictional text than in the past (Common Core) A text set is a set of 5 – 15 books, articles, or other forms of media that all relate to a specific concept Focus for the project - choose high-quality texts that relate to a specific topic and help foster inquiry
The 5 E Learning Cycle Evaluate: formative and summative assessment Engage: Teacher helps spark student interest and activate prior knowledge Explore: Students learn about a topic using testable questions Explain: Students make evidence based claims, produce some product Extend/ Expand: Students dive deeper or apply to a new or real world situation
Don’t move firewood it bugs me! An Inquiry Based Lesson Cycle on Invasive Species ONLS alignment: Grade 5 – Life Science – Content Statement: Organisms perform a variety of roles in an ecosystem Content elaboration: Investigations of locally threatened or endangered species must be conducted and include considerations of the effects of remediation programs, species loss and the introduction of new species on the local environment Testable question: What happens when you add a new species is to an ecosystem?
Day 1 - Engage
Inforgraphic Questions 1. What information can be found on the infographic? 2. Who is the author? 3. Who is the intended audience? 4. What is the message the author is trying to send?
Day 2 - Explore
Day 3- Explore
Day 4 & 5 - Explain
Day 6 & 7 Elaborate Summative assessment: Write a persuasive letter explaining why you feel the release of wasps is the right or wrong thing to do. Use examples to support your argument.