Impacts to Coral Reefs Presented by: Kelly Drinnen, Education Specialist NOAA’s Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary 1
Why should you care? We all live upstream! 3
Watersheds Sedimentation Pollution Debris Diversion of Water 4
After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita… 5
What Can You do? Educate yourself Keep soil anchored with vegetation Avoid using fertilizers and pesticides Put trash in an appropriate place Conserve water Recycle 6
Weather Temperature Wind Storms FGBNMS 7
Shipping Groundings Anchoring Tow Lines Pollutants Debris FKNMS 8
What Can You Do? 9 Tell us, hit *6 to unmute your phone
Spread the word Don’t anchor on the reef - use mooring buoys when they are available Report dumping or other illegal activities Support organizations that protect coral reefs What Can You Do? 10
Poll Question: 11 What caused the damage to this coral?
Animals Parrotfish Damselfish FGBNMS Joyce & Frank Burek 12
Animals Crown of Thorns Sea Star Sea Urchins FGBNMS 13
Animals Introduced Species Invasive Species Joyce & Frank Burek 14
Fishing Methods –Nets/trawls –Cyanide –Dynamite Species Abundance Joyce & Frank Burek 15
Fishing Derelict Nets and Ropes NMFS PIFSC CRED 16
What Can You Do? 17 Tell us, hit *6 to unmute your phone
Spread the word Support reef-friendly businesses Volunteer for a reef or beach cleanup Be an informed consumer Recycle Stay informed What Can You Do? 18
Disease Black Band Yellow Band NOAA 19
Oil & Gas Spills Waste Materials Extraction Artifical Reefs 20
What Can You Do? Spread the word Become a volunteer monitor Report any slicks or spills Stay informed 21
Recreation SCUBA Diving and Snorkeling Sailing/Boating Treasure Hunting FGBNMS Wicksten 22
What Can You Do? 23 Tell us, hit *6 to unmute your phone
What Can You Do? Spread the word Control your buoyancy Respect local guidelines Participate in the Great Annual Fish Count Take only pictures - Leave only bubbles 24
25 Natural (N) or Human (H) Impacts? RecreationOil & GasWatershedsDisease ShippingAnimalsWeatherFishing
From Impacts to Interventions: We all make a Difference! For Additional Information: 26