Daily announcements CS 101 Spring 2007 Aaron Bloomfield
Friday, 19 January 2007 Today’s music: Doobie Brothers Lab scheduling issues A number of students switched into CS 101-E There are now only 6 people who are not properly registered for labs And there are free spots in many of the labs Office hours will start next week And will be posted on the website Sunday night You should bring your login ID and password to lab next Thursday Those who didn’t receive it will get one early next week
Monday, 22 January 2007 Today’s music: Alice in Chains Lab scheduling issues A number of students switched into CS 101-E There are now only 7 people who are not properly registered for labs And I have sent them an (at 2:20 p.m. today) And there are free spots in many of the labs Office hours will start this week And are posted on the website Clickers You should bring your login ID and password to lab this Thursday Those who didn’t receive it will get one early this week
Wednesday, 24 January 2007 Today’s music: The Who Lab scheduling issues A number of students have switched into CS 101-E There are now only 4 people who are not properly registered for labs And I have sent them an on Monday And there are free spots in some of the labs Office hours are posted on the website Clickers – will start using them Friday I meant to have them ready for today First HW will be out on Friday Will go over it then Second lab is tomorrow You should bring your login ID and password to lab this Thursday Everybody now has an account (as of today) If you didn’t get an , you can have your password reset tomorrow
Friday, 26 January 2007 Today’s music: Annie Lennox Lab scheduling issues There are now only 3 people who are not properly registered for labs Office hours are posted on the website Clickers – will start using them Monday (maybe?) It’s not my fault this time! First HW is out today Will go over it today Is due next Friday at 10 a.m. sharp!
Monday, 29 January 2007 Today’s music: Queensryche Only 1 person who is not properly registered for labs Office hours are posted on the website Clickers – will start using them today Registration is on the website First HW is out, due Friday at 10 a.m. sharp! Please don’t wait until the last minute to start it Second HW will be out on this Friday Will talk about it in lecture then Lab 1 grades will be returned shortly Regrade procedure… Where we are in the textbook Course project ideas
What is your favorite number? e 3. pi 4. infinity 5. I don’t like numbers
What is your favorite color? 1. Red 2. Blue 3. Green 4. Yellow 5. Purple 6. Black 7. White 8. Grey 9. Mauve 10. Chartreuse
Wednesday, 31 January 2007 Today’s music: U2 Office hours are posted on the website Clickers – will continue using them today Registration is on the website First HW is out, due Friday at 10 a.m. sharp! Please don’t wait until the last minute to start it Second HW will be out on this Friday Will talk about it in lecture then Lab 1 grades will be returned shortly Regrade procedure… Where we are in the textbook I expect to finish chapter 2 this week And on to chapter 3 next week Course project ideas coming next week
How is the pace of the lectures? 1. Way too slow 2. A bit slow 3. Just right 4. A bit fast 5. Way too fast 6. Answering this question is against my religious beliefs
Friday, 2 February 2007 Today’s music: The Eagles Office hours are posted on the website Second HW will be out tonight, due next Friday at 10 a.m. sharp! Please don’t wait until the last minute to start it Lab 1 and 2 grades will be returned shortly Regrade procedure… Where we are in the textbook I expect to finish chapter 2 next week Then onto chapter 3 Course project ideas coming next week
Monday, 5 February 2007 Today’s music: Queen Office hours are posted on the website Important JCreator bug ( was sent out) Second HW is out, due next Friday at 10 a.m. sharp! Please don’t wait until the last minute to start it Important JCreator bug ( was sent out) Lab 1 grades were returned last night Regrade procedure… Where we are in the textbook I expect to finish chapter 2 today or Wednesday Then onto chapter 3 Survey results I’m very behind on my s… Course project ideas coming on Wednesday
Wednesday, 7 February 2007 Today’s music: Metallica Office hours are posted on the website Important JCreator bug ( was sent out) Second HW is out, due next Friday at 10 a.m. sharp! Please don’t wait until the last minute to start it HW 3 will be out this Friday Lab 1 and 2 grades have been returned Regrade procedure… Where we are in the textbook I expect to finish chapter 2 today Then onto chapter 3 Lecture videos are now online Survey results I’m very behind on my s… Course project ideas today
Course project ideas Hunt the Wumpus Wikipedia: Play online at Oregon Trail (heavily modified) Wikipedia: Play online at (requires IE) Civilization (heavily modified) Wikipedia: Connect-4 Wikipedia:
Friday, 9 February 2007 Today’s music: Enya Office hours are posted on the website Important JCreator bug ( was sent out) Third HW is out, due next Friday at 10 a.m. sharp! Will go over it today Lab 3 and HW 1 grades should be returned this weekend We will be starting textbook chapter 3 today Lecture videos are now online I’m very behind on my s… More on the course project ideas today TA staffing, office hours, and grading issues Last semester: 120 weekly TA hours for 198 students (0.61 hours per student) This semester: 120 weekly TA hours for 364 students (0.33 hours per student)
Honor Policy If you find yourself looking at somebody else's code, and doing such was not explicitly allowed, then you are in violation of this policy! Any honor violation or cheating will be referred to the honor committee, and will result in an immediate failure for the course, regardless of the outcome of the honor trial or your other grades. No exceptions!
Course project ideas These results are with just the 101 students reporting (not 101-E): n = 290 Reporting: 83 females, 178 males (29 didn’t respond) And all are on a scale of 0-4 AverageFemales Males Wumpus: Oregon Trail: Civilization: Connect-4:
Homework graph
Selected course project comments Civilization.java would be a terrible bastardization of a wonderful game. Please never suggest it again. Sorry, but it just isn’t meant to be. How about Pokemon… I would REALLY like to do the text-based game, Zork: World of Warcraft Halo 3 When will we be working on this?
How many days before the clickers work? pi*e*g (about 86) 5. Infinity 6. I still don’t like numbers, thanks 7. In fact, I’m insulted that you like numbers
Monday, 12 February 2007 Today’s music: Led Zeppelin Office hours are posted on the website (mine 5:15 toady) Important JCreator bug ( was sent out) Third HW is out, due this Friday at 10 a.m. sharp, arrr! About the grammar… Lab 3 grades returned; HW 1 will be returned today or tomorrow I’m very behind on my s, but getting better Midterm 1 is next Wednesday in class Previous semester’s exams are on the website It is closed book, closed-neighbor, closed notes, etc. Will have a review next Monday Lab quiz 1 is next week during labs Previous semester’s quizzes are on the website It is open textbook (but not open anything else)
Valentine’s Day (aka black Wednesday) Today’s music: ABBA Office hours are posted on the website Important JCreator bug ( was sent out) Third HW is out, due this Friday at 10 a.m. sharp, arrr! All caught up with returning grades Not so much caught up with my s for a faster response Midterm 1 is next Wednesday in class Previous semester’s exams are on the website It is closed book, closed-neighbor, closed notes, etc. Will have a review next Monday Lab quiz 1 is next week during labs Previous semester’s quizzes are on the website It is open textbook (but not open anything else)
Will you be in class the Friday before spring break? 1. Yes, I wouldn’t miss it for the world! 2. No, I’ll be on vacation 3. We have class on Fridays????
Friday, 16 February 2007 Today’s music: Tool Office hours are posted on the website Important JCreator bug ( was sent out) Fourth homework will be out next week, due the following Friday for a faster response Midterm 1 is next Wednesday in class Previous semester’s exams are on the website It is closed book, closed-neighbor, closed notes, etc. Will have a review next Monday during lecture Possibly a review session Monday evening or Tuesday evening Lab quiz 1 is next week during labs Previous semester’s quizzes are on the website It is open textbook (but not open anything else)
Homework survey graph
Would you attend a review session… 1. Next Monday night? 2. Next Tuesday night? 3. I’d attend both 4. I’d attend neither
Monday, 19 February 2007 Today’s music: Styx Office hours are posted on the website Important JCreator bug ( was sent out) Fourth homework will be out this week We’ll go over it this Friday; due the following Friday for a faster response Midterm 1 is this Wednesday in class Previous semester’s exams are on the website It is closed book, closed-neighbor, closed notes, etc. Will have a review today during lecture And a review session tonight in OLS 005 starting at 7:30 p.m. Bring questions to ask! Lab quiz 1 is this week during labs Previous semester’s quizzes are on the website It is open textbook (but not open anything else)
Wednesday, 21 February 2007 Today’s music: The Corrs Test today! That’s why everybody showed up! It’s closed everything (book, notes, etc) Please put your test in the appropriate envelope by section! And when we say “pens down”, we actually mean it! Fourth homework will be out this week We’ll go over it this Friday; due the following Friday Lab quiz 1 is this week during labs Previous semester’s quizzes are on the website It is open textbook (but not open anything else) Office hours for the rest of the week are cancelled So we can grade your exams! Will start up again Sunday at 5 p.m.
Friday, 23 February 2007 Today’s music: Indigo Girls Tests this week Midterm was returned in lab yesterday I have the other ones with me today Average was a 85 Will talk about the grading guidelines and regrades on Monday Lab quiz will be returned next week Other grading issues I’m a bit behind with the other grading (as we had to focus on the exam) The view grades page now will show you your weighted average Assignments Fourth homework is out We’ll go over it today; due next Friday Fifth homework will be out next week, due the week after spring break There is lab next week! Although maybe not lecture… And the make-up lab session is the Sunday at the end of spring break for a faster response
Monday, 26 February 2007 Today’s music: The Commodores Tests last week Lab quiz should be returned “soon” HW 3 also At that point, 25% of your final grade will be determined The view grades page now will show you your weighted average I’m a bit behind with the grading guidelines and regrade sheets and stuff… Assignments Fourth homework is out, due this Friday Fifth homework will be out this week, will be due the Friday after we get back We’ll go over it on Wednesday Spring break schedule There is lab this week! And the make-up lab session is the Sunday at the end of spring break But no lecture on Friday We will (mostly) finish loops prior to spring break And start methods (and then classes) after spring break Clickers must be gotten by the return from spring break Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Wednesday, 28 February 2007 Today’s music: Sarah McLachlan Tests last week HW 3 and Lab quiz should be returned “soon” I’m a bit behind with the grading guidelines and regrade sheets and stuff… Assignments Fourth homework is out, due this Friday Fifth homework will be out this week, will be due the Friday after we get back We’ll go over it today I won’t have office hours today And I have to leave as soon as lecture ends, so I can’t stay around Spring break schedule There is lab this week! And the make-up lab session is the Sunday at the end of spring break A optional, Q&A-style lecture on Friday We will (mostly) finish loops prior to spring break And start methods (and then classes) after spring break Office hours end at the end of the day this Friday; start up again Sunday, 11 Mar at 5 p.m. Clickers must be gotten by the return from spring break Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Monday, 12 March 2007 Today’s music: Tori Amos Midterm 1 Grading guidelines are online I have regrade forms with me We’ll say they are due at the end of next week Grades We are catching up with the grades – quiz1 should be returned later this week Assignments Fifth homework is out, due this Friday (the game of Peace) Sixth homework will be out this week, will be due next Friday We’ll go over it Friday I will be out of town on Wednesday Class will be covered by Prof. Horton He’ll be continuing where I leave off today Not surprisingly, I won’t have office hours Wednesday, either Clickers must be obtained! Grade penalties will start ensuing shortly for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number We’ll be starting chapter 5 (methods) today for a faster response
Friday, 16 March 2007 Today’s music: Norah Jones Midterm 1 Grading guidelines and regrade forms are online Are due at the end of next week Grades We are catching up well with the grades – quiz1 is returned, hw 4 will follow shortly Assignments Sixth homework is out, due next Friday Will go over it a bit today Lectures Will finish chapter 5 (methods) today Will start on chapter 6 (classes) on Monday Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number We’ll be continuing chapter 5 (methods) today for a faster response
Attendance check! Are you here? 1. Yes! 2. I think so 3. In body only 4. Did UVa win? 5. Wait! What game was UVa playing?
Monday, 19 March 2007 Today’s music: Rolling Stones Midterm 1 Grading guidelines and regrade forms are online Are due at the end of this week Grades We are catching up well with the grades Assignments Sixth homework is out, due this Friday Is on methods Will go over it a bit today Lab this week is on creating classes Next week is a exam/quiz, so no homework due then Following week will start the homeworks/labs on the course project Lectures Will start on chapter 6 (classes) on today This chapter will take a while to go over Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Wednesday, 21 March 2007 Today’s music: Jethro Tull Midterm 1 Grading guidelines and regrade forms are online Are due at the end of this week Grades We are catching up well with the grades Assignments Sixth homework is out, due this Friday Is on methods Will go over it a bit today Lab this week is on creating classes Will talk about it briefly today Next week is a exam/quiz, so no homework due then Following week will start the homeworks/labs on the course project Lectures Will continue with chapter 6 (classes) on today This chapter will take a while to go over Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Friday, 23 March 2007 Today’s music: Simon & Garfunkel Midterm 1 Grading guidelines and regrade forms are online Are due today Grades We are catching up well with the grades Web server stability issues Exam next week On Wednesday during lecture And a lab quiz on Thursday Will probably have a review session on Monday evening Assignments No HW due next week (due to exam/quiz) HW 7 will be due the following week Will start the course project Lectures Will continue with chapter 6 (classes) on today This chapter will take a while to go over Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Monday, 26 March 2007 Today’s music: BOC (Blue Oyster Cult) Exam this week On Wednesday during lecture And a lab quiz on Thursday Will have a review session on Monday evening 7:00 in Olsson 009 Due to this review session, my office hours will end at 5 today The exam will mostly focus on the chapters dealing with: ifs, loops, methods With a bit of classes thrown in And it’s cumulative, of course Assignments No HW due this week (due to exam/quiz) HW 7 will be due next week Will be the first assignment on the course project I’ll demo the course project on Friday, most likely Lectures Will continue with chapter 6 (classes) on today This chapter will take a while to go over Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Wednesday, 28 March 2007 Today’s music: Billy Idol Exam today! Notice everybody showed up! The exam is closed book Please put your exam in the correct pile! Lab quiz tomorrow during your normal lab section (it’s open textbook) Assignments HW 7 will be due next week, will talk about it this Friday CS major/minor pizza party For those majoring or minoring (or thinking about majoring or minoring) in CS At 6 p.m. in Olsson 011 FREE PIZZA!!!! I have fliers with me Office hours canceled for the rest of this week
Friday, 30 March 2007 Today’s music: Charlie Daniels Band Exam/quiz this week Was returned yesterday Average was 81.2 I have the remaining ones with me The prime number problem on the quiz was probably a bit hard This will be handled in the grading guidelines Assignments I expect to return two HWs (4 and 5) and two labs (6 and 7) today But it may be tomorrow or Sunday before they all get back Which means we will have three assignments outstanding: hw 6, lab 8, quiz 2 Assignments HW 7 is due next Friday It’s not out yet, should be “soon” Will be the first assignment on the course project I’ll demo the course project on Monday Lectures Will continue with chapter 6 (classes) on today Will then start on arrays (chapter 8) Will then come back to classes Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Monday, 2 April 2007 Today’s music: Depeche Mode Exam/quiz last week Was returned last week Average was 81.2 Grading guidelines will be on the website soon Assignments We are mostly caught up with the grading We have three assignments outstanding: hw 6, lab 8, quiz 2 HW 7 is due this Friday, will go over it today And demo the course project Lectures Will continue with chapter 6 (classes) today Will then start on arrays (chapter 8) Will then come back to classes Today’s lecture Go over the test Demo the project Go over HW 7 A bit more lecture material Come see me get dunked! Wed, 11 Apr from 10:20-10:40, location TBA Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Wednesday, 4 April 2007 Today’s music: Boston Exam/quiz last week Was returned last week; average was 81.2 Grading guidelines will be on the website soon Assignments We have three assignments outstanding: hw 6, lab 8, quiz 2 HW 7 is due this Friday, will go over it today Will go over HW 8 this Friday in lecture Lectures Will mostly finish (for now!) chapter 6 (classes) today Will then start on arrays (chapter 8) Will then come back to classes Come see me get dunked! Wed, 11 Apr from 10:20-10:40, location TBA Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Friday, 6 April 2007 Today’s music: The Cure Exam/quiz last week Was returned last week; average was 81.2 Grading guidelines will be on the website soon (really!) Assignments We have three assignments outstanding: hw 6, lab 8, quiz 2 HW 8 is due next Friday, will go over it today Lectures Will mostly finish (for now!) chapter 6 (classes) today Will then start on arrays (chapter 8) Will then come back to classes Come see me get dunked! Wed, 11 Apr from 10:20-10:40, location TBA Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
HW graph
Bad feedback on homeworks “Aaron Bloomfield - you are a liar and an asshole. This is the longest, most complicated, most unexplained assignment we have had to date, and you have the audacity to tell us you shortened it? WTF?!? Why do you do this? Fuck you.” - Anonymous happy camper
Monday, 9 April 2007 Today’s music: Dave Matthews Band HW 8 is due this Friday Lectures Will mostly finish arrays (chapter 8) this week Will then go back to classes Come see me get dunked! Wed, 11 Apr from 10:20-10:40, location TBA CS 1 st year advising after class today… Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Wednesday, 11 April 2007 Today’s music: They Might Be Giants Assignments HW 8 is due this Friday HW 9 will be out on Friday, and will go over it then This week’s lab will be on arrays Lectures Will mostly finish arrays (chapter 8) this week and next Will then go back to classes Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Map - map: - … - populate() - getLocation() - … Vehicle - location - party - inventory - … Location - app = “arid” - depot - … Inventory - money = food = ammo = oxen = … Location - app = “cloudy” - depot - … Location - app = “rocky” - depot - … map Location - app = “sunny” - depot - … player Party - size = 3 - party -… Depot - name = “FortX” - location - costFactor = inventory -… Inventory - money = food = ammo = oxen = … Depot - name = “FortX” - location - costFactor = inventory -… Inventory - money = food = ammo = 17 - oxen = 12 - … Classes w/only static methods: Control, Descriptions Game, MapPrinter, Parser Vehicle player = new Vehicle (const); player.setLocation (map.getLocation (const, const)); Map map = new Map(); map.populate(); Person - name = “Chris” - health = 10 - isAlive = true - … Person - name = “Chris” - health = 10 - isAlive = true - … Person - name = “Chris” - health = 10 - isAlive = true - …
Friday, 13 April 2007 Today’s music: Grateful Dead Assignments HW 8 is due today Boy, we really screwed up this one… I am very sorry for the frustration we caused I have a plan to avoid that frustration level with HW 9 HW 9 will be out “soon” Lectures 2 more weeks left (7 lectures after today, one of which is a midterm) Will mostly finish arrays (chapter 8) this week and next Will then go back to classes Exams The third midterm is Wednesday two weeks from this week The final is Friday, 4 May, and is optional Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number Youtube link: for a faster response
Monday, 16 April 2007 Class was cancelled today because of the Virginia Tech shootings
Wednesday, 18 April 2007 Today’s music: Monica Ramos Assignments HW 8 was due on Friday Boy, we really screwed up this one… I am very sorry for the frustration we caused I have a plan to avoid that frustration level with HW 9 HW 9 is out, due on Friday Lab 11 this week, Quiz 3 next week, and then a Lab 12… Lab 12 will have a demotivator vote! Take part in a study, get $10 I have the forms with me… Lectures 2 more weeks left (6 lectures after today, one of which is a midterm) Will mostly finish arrays (chapter 8) this week Will then review for the third midterm, talk about some advanced class/object issues, and a course wrap-up Exams The third midterm is Wednesday one week from this week The final is Friday, 4 May, and is optional Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Map - map: - … - populate() - getLocation() - … Vehicle - location - party - inventory - … Location - app = “arid” - depot - … Inventory - money = food = ammo = oxen = … Location - app = “cloudy” - depot - … Location - app = “rocky” - depot - … map Location - app = “sunny” - depot - … player Party - size = 3 - party -… Depot - name = “FortX” - location - costFactor = inventory -… Inventory - money = food = ammo = oxen = … Depot - name = “FortX” - location - costFactor = inventory -… Inventory - money = food = ammo = 17 - oxen = 12 - … Classes w/only static methods: Control, Descriptions Game, MapPrinter, Parser Vehicle player = new Vehicle (const); player.setLocation (map.getLocation (const, const)); Map map = new Map(); map.populate(); Person - name = “Chris” - health = 10 - isAlive = true - … Person - name = “Chris” - health = 10 - isAlive = true - … Person - name = “Chris” - health = 10 - isAlive = true - …
Friday, 20 April 2007 Today’s music: Santana Assignments HW 10 will be out soon Is due on Tuesday a week and a half from now Lab 12 is a do-it-at-home lab Will have a demotivator vote! Grades Expect to have most (possibly all!) of the grades returned this weekend Exams Third midterm and third lab quiz 3 next week Take part in a study, get $10 I have the forms with me… Must return them to Peggy Reed (Olsson Hall, room 223) Lectures 4 more lectures after today: Monday will be a review Wednesday is the midterm Friday we will talk about inheritance, etc. The last Monday is a course wrap-up Clickers must be obtained! As mentioned, grade penalties are starting for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number I have the list, I just have to make a new way to put it online for a faster response
Monday, 23 April 2007 Today’s music: Audioslave Assignments HW 10 is out Is due on Tuesday* at 10 a.m. a week from now Lab 12 is a do-it-at-home lab Will talk about it today Will have a demotivator vote! Final assignments will have a shorter regrade period Grades Got caught up this weekend: Many regrades were handled Quiz2, lab08, lab09, hw06 returned this weekend Quiz 2 grade adjustment… Still left to return: hw07, hw08, hw09, lab10, lab11 The remaining HW assignments will be partially computer graded This should allow us to return all these assignments by the end of this week The goal is to have everything (except possibly HW 10) returned before the final date Take part in a study, get $10 I have the forms; must return them to Peggy Reed (Olsson Hall, room 223) Exams Third midterm and third lab quiz 3 this week Review session tonight at 7-ish p.m. in Olsson 005 We hope to have them returned in lab on Thursday Exam 2 ggl: oh, dear…. Lectures 4 more lectures, including today: Today will be a review Wednesday is the midterm Friday we will talk about inheritance, etc. The last Monday is a course wrap-up And the results of the demotivator vote! Clickers must be obtained! The IDs are online Unfortunately, I can’t post student id / clicker pairs, so just the clicker ID numbers are listed As mentioned, grade penalties will occur for those who do not get them Register it through the toolkit In particular, your clicker ID is not R4WRCRF01 That’s the model number, not the serial number for a faster response
Wednesday, 25 April 2007 Today’s music: Asia Test today! Please put your exam in the correct pile!!! Assignments HW 10 is due next Tuesday at 10 a.m. Lab 12 is a do-it-at-home lab, due Monday by noon Final assignments will have a shorter regrade period Grades There will be a Quiz 2 grade adjustment – more details on Friday Still left to return: hw07, hw08, hw09, lab10, lab11 This should allow us to return all these assignments by the end of this weekend The goal is to have everything (except possibly HW 10) returned before the final date Office hours canceled for the remainder of today Check the contacts page of the webstie for tomorrow’s office hour status Lab quiz tomorrow! Must go to your normal lab section, of course It’s open textbook We hope to have the exams ready to return then for a faster response
Friday, 27 April 2007 Today’s music: The Steve Miller Band Test & quiz this week Tests were returned in lab yesterday (I have most of the rest with me) Average was about an 81 Grading guidelines will be on the website this weekend Assignments HW 10 is due next Tuesday at 10 a.m. Lab 12 is a do-it-at-home lab, due Monday by noon Final assignments will have a shorter regrade period Grades There will be a Quiz 2 grade adjustment – more details today A few still left to return My plan is to have everything except quiz2 and hw10 returned by the end of this weekend We’ll see how well that works… Final exam Is completely optional! Please don’t take my final – I hate grading them… Lectures Will go over inheritance today And do a course wrap-up on Monday for a faster response
The End Today’s music: Pink Floyd Grades HWs 7, 8, 9 to be returned soon Lab 12, quiz 3, and HW 10 later this week Lab 12 and quiz 3 should be returned by Wed evening I wil try to get HW 10 returned on Thursday The viewgrades script now lists the letter grade Quiz 2 has now received the +5 bonus Unless you got a regrade – this will appear later Assignments HW 10 is due this Tuesday at 10 a.m. If all your code doesn’t work, try using ours with your Descriptions Final assignments will have a shorter regrade period Office hours Will continue normally today and tomorrow, with more TAs at the stacks TA office hours will end Tuesday night at midnight My office hours will be by appointment during finals week Final exam Is completely optional! Please don’t take my final – I hate grading them… It’s this Friday at 7 p.m. in CHM 402 (this room) Lectures: will do a course wrap-up today I’ve heard reports of issues with setVisibility() – am looking into that… for a faster response
Some feedback I wanted to respond to… Because of the late return of HWs 7-9, people don’t want mistakes on HW 7 to count against them on HW 8 or 9 I will try my best to avoid this Many said that this should be a 4 credit class It turns out UVa won’t allow us to do that unless we up the lab to 3 hours
The final (sniff!) homework graph