East Lansing Public Schools Suggestions for Ideas for Today and Tomorrow
Presentation Will Include Projected Shortfall and How We Arrived at the Projections Twenty Five Suggestions in Five Categories Administration (12 suggestions) Instruction (5 suggestions) Operational Support (4 suggestions) Pupil Support (4 suggestions) Revenue Enhancement (2 suggestions)
Projected Shortfall Projecting 175 Student Decline in Enrollment- $1,495,000 Anticipated State Aid Reduction-$597,000 Other Reductions in Funding Based on Student Enrollment/Reimbursements-$500,000 Increase in Employee Contractual Salary & Benefits-$1,500,000 Increases in Utilities & Insurance-$116,000 Total Shortfall-Approximately $4.2 Million
Administrative Reductions Administrative Reduction School Closing- $170,000 Eliminate Two Central Administration Support Positions-$100,000 Eliminate One Director-$125,000 Eliminate Three High School Secretary Positions- $90,000 Eliminate One Technology Support Staff- $50,000
Additional Administrative Reductions Reduce Administrative Secretary Days-$4,000 Reduce High School Associate Principal to Dean- $24,000 Reduce High School Associate Principal Days- $12,500 Reduce Middle School Associate Principal Days- $6,000 Reduce High School Secretary Days-$8,000
Additional Administrative Reductions Principals Share Elementary Buildings- $365,000 Eliminate 3 Paraprofessionals-$45,000 Total Administrative Reductions $999,500 Represents a Reduction of 29.84% of Administrative Costs
Instructional Cost Reductions Eliminate 18.5 Elementary School Teachers- $837,000 Eliminate 6 Middle School Teachers-$270,000 Eliminate 5 High School Teachers-$225,000 Eliminate 4 High School Teachers By Eliminating the Alternative Program-$180,000
Additional Instructional Cost Reductions Eliminate 2 High School Paraprofessionals-$30,000 Total Instructional Reductions- $1,542,000 Represents a Reduction of 7.81% of Instructional Costs
Operational Support Cost Reductions Operational Cost Savings of School Closure- $170,000 Privatize Custodial Staff-$500,000 Privatize Transportation Staff-$100,000 Alternative Program Closure-$120,000 Total Reductions in Operational Support- $890,000 Represents a Reduction of 14.20% of Operational Support Costs
Pupil Support Cost Reductions Eliminate ½ a Science Coordinator and Paraprofessional Position-$60,280 Eliminate 4 Teacher Consultants Positions- $180,000 Eliminate School Nurses-$170,000 Reduce Open Curriculum Chair Positions- $72,625 Total Pupil Support Reductions-$482,905 Represents a Reduction of 12.66% of Total Pupil Support Costs
Revenue Enhancements Assess Participation Fee to $250 Per Athlete/Per Sport-$175,000 Enhance Advertising Opportunities- $100,000 Total Revenue Enhancements-$275,000
Summary of Suggestions Administrative Reduction - $999,500 Instructional Reduction - $1,542,000 Operational Reduction - $890,000 Pupil Support Reduction - $482,905 Revenue Enhancements - $275,000 TOTAL - $4,189,405
Developing the Elementary Plan Educationally Sound Economically Prudent Appropriate to the Characteristics in East Lansing
Criteria for the Plan Enhancing Student Learning Increasing Instructional Benefits Maximizing Resources Building on Current Strengths and Relationships Streamlining Administration Maximizing the Use of Current Facilities Establishing a Sustainable Plan Reducing Operating Costs
Elementary Recommendations Operate six elementary schools, four K-4 Buildings, two 5-6 Buildings Close Spartan Village eliminating full day kindergarten and young fives program K-4 Schools – Pinecrest, Donley, Marble and Red Cedar 5-6 Schools – Glencairn and Whitehills
Proposed K-4 School Boundaries Pinecrest area K-4 attending Pinecrest Whitehills area K-4 attending Donley Donley area K-4 attending Donley Spartan Village area K-4 attending Red Cedar Red Cedar area K-4 attending Red Cedar Glencairn area K-4 attending Marble Marble area K-4 attending Marble
Proposed 5-6 School Boundaries Pinecrest Area 5-6 attending Whitehills Whitehills area 5-6 attending Whitehills Donley area 5-6 attending Whitehills Spartan Village area 5-6 attending Glencairn Red Cedar area 5-6 attending Glencairn Glencairn area 5-6 attending Glencairn Marble area 5-6 attending Glencairn
Middle School Recommendations Modify the staffing and curriculum offerings to reflect a junior high school model Reducing administrative time Reducing six teachers Going to a six period day Students required to take four (English, math, science and social studies) plus two electives from the other areas currently available
High School Recommendations Reduce work year administratively Reducing three secretarial positions Reducing two paraprofessional positions Eliminate alternative program (4 teachers) Reduce five additional teaching positions Assess participation fee $250 per athlete/per sport
District Recommendations Reduce one central administrator Reduce central office secretarial time Reduce two central office secretarial positions Reduce one technology support staff Privatize custodial services Privatize transportation services Reduce four teacher consultants Eliminate the district science coordinator and paraprofessional Eliminate nursing services Not fill open curriculum chairs Enhance advertising opportunities at athletic events and on the website