Jeremy Quilter EDUC 533
Innovation Need Why? I chose the Innovation Model because of recent additions of new technology through out the Moses Lake School District. Teachers need to know how to use the technology so they can effectively use it with students.
Technology Every classroom in the district will receive a new projection system including a StarBoard, projector, document camera, DVD/VCR, and a teacher workstation.
A Visual Look Reference #2
Application Studies of Everyday Practice – Why is the new technology being implemented? Concept Development – How will everyone be trained to use the technology? User Participation – How will the technology be used in the classroom?
Instructional Needs Computers and digital tools are part of today’s student lifestyle. Research suggests that technology increases student involvement and achievement. (References 3 & 4) Technology constantly evolves and teachers must be educated in new innovations and technological opportunities.
Non-Instructional Needs Time and Money Training for new equipment Money for training Teacher Buy-In Attitudes about new technology Use Voluntary use of the equipment
Learning Environment Moses Lake School District employs 447 classroom teachers. Nearly 70% of teachers have Master’s Degrees and nearly 99% are highly qualified. Integration of technology is to take place over 3 years with 1/3 of district classrooms receiving new technology each year.
Learning Environment Trainers Teachers specially trained in the use of new technology Trainees Teachers to receive new technology in their respective phase Each will receive StarBoard, projector, document camera, DVD/VCR, and computer. Training location a classroom with all the technology components
Learning Environment Philosophies of School District “The Moses Lake School District views technology as a very powerful, essential tool in the educational process. Technology is not a separate curriculum but an appropriate part of every curriculum at every level of instruction. Both students and staff can master all essential learning’s at every level of curriculum with the aid of instructional technology. As technology is utilized in the educational process, educators must ask two questions: 1) What is the appropriate outcome of each curriculum and level of instruction? 2) How can we best use technology for maximum effectiveness? The answers to these questions will come from properly applied instructional techniques.” Reference #1
Learning Environment Current Hardware 3 – 5 year old projectors and document cameras 3 – 5 year old computers Operating systems are Windows XP at best Overhead projectors VCRs and other outdated technology products
Learning Environment Classes and Facilities 1 High School 2 Middle Schools 1 Alternative High/Middle School 9 Elementary Schools Multiple portable classrooms at various locations
Learning Environment Characteristics of the School System Approximately 7,600 students 60% Free or Reduced lunch, 12.5% Special Education, 11.5% ELL 60% white, 35% Hispanic, 5% Black, Native American, or Asian. Reference #5
Learning Environment Philosophies and Taboos of the Community General public is not always informed about use of levy and bond money in the schools Recent adoption of late start school day for collaboration is misunderstood Many community members are unfamiliar with new technology Prep sports and other extra-curricular activities are held in high esteem
Learning Environment The Learners Students are familiar with technology in the classroom but not the new interactive StarBoard Students are very familiar with i-Pods, cell phones, internet, high-definition equipment, and other technologies The majority of students do not have new technology in the home due to economic status Students love to use technology
References 1. Final SB Tech Plan Feb 18.pdf. (n.d.).. Retrieved from n% %20Feb%2018%20.pdf 2. Innovation in Waste Management. (n.d.). aste+Management 3. Kozma, R. B., & Voogt, J. (2003). Technology, innovation, and educational change: a global perspective : a report of the Second Information Technology in Education Study, Module 2. ISTE (Interntl Soc Tech Educ. 4. Means, B., Olson, K., Ruskus, J. A., & Dissemination, U. S. O. O. E. R. A. I. O. O. R. A. (1997). Technology and education reform. DIANE Publishing. 5. Washington State Report Card. (n.d.). Id=75&report Level=District&orgLinkId=75&yrs=&year=