Demystifying RFI’s, RFP’s and Proposals to Win Business
Moderated By Robert Sivek CSEP, CERP COO The Meetinghouse Companies
Panel of Experts Katie Ellis Director of Marketing Event Architects
Panel of Experts Susan Katz Director Corporate Events and Travel True Value Company
Panel of Experts Andrew Schorr President In The Loop-Chicago
A RFI: Request For Information is a process whose purpose is to collect written information about the capabilities of various suppliers. What Is…
A RFP: Request For Proposal is a stage in procurement distributing an invitation for suppliers, often through a bidding process, to submit a proposal on a specific commodity or service. What Is…
How often and when do you distribute a RFI? At what stage in your planning is it distributed? What information are you seeking? Do you use a template when distributing a RFI? RFI’s – A Buyer’s Perspective
What are the key pieces of information you need? How critical is the information you receive in making your decision? With the internet, are RFI’s still necessary? RFI’s – A Buyers Perspective
How often do you receive RFI’s? What are some of the standard questions you receive? Do you respond to RFI’s or send clients to your website instead? RFI’s – A Supplier’s Perspective
What do you add to make your company stand out? Have you found that responding to RFI’s increases your chances in winning business? RFI’s – A Supplier’s Perspective
When distributing a RFP, what information do you provide? Do you provide specifics or just general details? How much if at all does procurement play a role in the RFP process? Do you encourage contacting previous suppliers? RFP - Buyer
What are some of the common mistakes a Supplier can make when responding to a RFP? Do you submit an “apples to apples” template to be used for evaluations? Does your company have a three bid requirement? RFP - Buyer
What information would you like to see in a RFP that you currently don’t see? What are some of the common mistakes a Buyer can make when submitting a RFP? RFP - Supplier
How do you ask if the Buyer is obligated to request 3 bids even if they know they cannot use you? How often have you had to bid on a piece of business for a long time existing client? RFP - Supplier
Buyer / Supplier What are the key elements needed in creating a winning bid? RESPONDING TO A RFP
What format do you use in creating a winning bid? Word Document Power Point Story Boards RESPONDING TO A RFP Supplier
How creative do you get? Descriptive paragraphs, renderings, photos…etc. How much lead time do you need for a standard proposal? How much lead time do you typically get? How much does the lead time effect your creativity? SUBMITTING THE PROPOSAL
What is your #1 frustration when receiving a proposal? What does the supplier have to do to set them apart? RECEIVING THE PROPOSAL
What are the reasons you may not select a company? How much is the creativity necessary? Are you just looking at the bottom line? EVALUATING THE PROPOSAL
Do you allow in person presentations? Why or why not? How much follow up after a proposal has been sent is expected? How much is too much? EVALUATING THE PROPOSAL
Do you share information from one bidding company to another? Do you rebid based on best ideas? Do you Respond to unsuccessful Buyers? Do you rebid with winning Buyer based on information gained in the process? ETHICS - Buyer
How do you protect your intellectual property? What else do you expect the Buyer to do or not do? ETHICS - Supplier
Can RFI’s and RFP’s be used as a negotiating tactic? How much is negotiable? When do you walk away? Some Random Thoughts