1 California Health Benefit Exchange California Health Benefit Exchange: A centerpiece of health reform The Exchange: Consumer empowerment, choice, healthy competition A tool policymakers can use to create: A new purchase option for individuals and small employers that offers them the advantages of large employer groups – improved access to more affordable, higher quality insurance. An insurance marketplace that focuses competition among health plans and insurers on price, quality and service. A gateway to subsidized coverage for millions of uninsured.
2 California Health Benefit Exchange Sources of Health Insurance Coverage in California Source: California HealthCare Foundation. SNAPSHOT California’s Individual and Small Group Markets on the Eve of Reform, 2011.
3 California Health Benefit Exchange Source of Coverage by Race/Ethnicity Source: California HealthCare Foundation. SNAPSHOT California’s Individual and Small Group Markets on the Eve of Reform, 2011.
4 California Health Benefit Exchange California Health Benefit Exchange Vision and Mission The vision of the California Health Benefit Exchange is to improve the health of all Californians by assuring their access to affordable, high quality care. The mission of the California Health Benefit Exchange is to increase the number of insured Californians, improve health care quality, lower costs, and reduce health disparities through an innovative, competitive marketplace that empowers consumers to choose the health plan and providers that give them the best value.
5 California Health Benefit Exchange California Health Benefit Exchange: Opportunities to improve access, promote wellness To modernize outreach, eligibility determination and enrollment processes. To expand coverage and improve access to comprehensive services. To design benefits to improve the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. To establish priorities for participating health plans that meet Exchange goals regarding affordability, quality improvement and delivery system reform. To encourage greater integration of clinical care and community prevention.
6 California Health Benefit Exchange For More Information: Visit our website at And join our listserv