1 SPE & SEL Q&A Session with Bidders
2 Agenda ►Introduction ►Guidelines ►Schedule of Events ►Q&A session
3 Introduction - Purpose of Meeting ►To provide a forum for Bidders to pose pertinent questions regarding the RFP and receive clarification from Sony around the requirements and data in the RFP documents ►To address the process of responding to bidders questions. Some general questions will be addressed during the web meeting session but the complete list of questions already submitted by all bidders will be responded to and posted via the Ariba tool within the next 2 business days following the call
4 Guidelines – During the Web Conference ►Please mute your phone during the session ►If you have a question during the session, please click “raise hand” and type your question in the space provided ►Questions will be answered according to category by Sony personnel ►All questions and responses during this session will be posted to the bidders via Ariba after the call
5 Schedule of Events ►RFP due date extension – due Monday, July 8, 2013 at 9:00 am (PDT) ►Late responses will not be accepted ►No further extensions will be granted ►Additional questions, after this session, must be submitted via the Ariba tool no later than 5:00 pm (PDT) Thursday, June 27, 2013 ►Sony will make best efforts to respond to questions via the Ariba tool ►Sony’s office are closed on Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5, 2013
6 Q&A Session – Sony Response Sony will not respond to questions related to: ►Current incumbent(s) performance or dedicated labor ►Volumes and projections, beyond what was provided in the RFP ►Contract terms (submit exceptions in the template form provided) ►Services and/or Products outside the scope of this RFP (i.e. mailroom) ►Imaging as a “Managed Service” is OUT OF SCOPE and will not be discussed. Information collected under this RFP will be used for potential future RFP purposes only