Topics to be covered What is APRS? Why do I want APRS? How do I view APRS? OK, now how do I go mobile? Current software The internet piece of the puzzle
What is APRS ? A utomatic P osition R eporting S ystem By Bob Bruninga, WB4APR Brief history
History of APRS Initial use as we know it in 1990 to track boats during summer cruises. The following flavors followed. MacAPRS WinAPRS APRS+ perlAPRS XAPRS released as beta at 1999 Dayton Hamvention
How do I view APRS?
Definitions A tracker is a mobile station Posits are position reports UI Frames are frames that do not employ error correction techniques, entirely that is. Digipeaters are stations that act as a simplex repeater except in a digital format IGATES are stations that feed data to and from the internet GATES are stations that take the HF APRS data and retransmits them on VHF and possible the internet. APRServers are stations that IGATES send data to and redistribute them to the IGATEs
OK, now how do I go mobile? TNC route, KPC3+, Pico Packet, D7A or D700 Mic-E route Pic-E route GPS receiver So you want to use a laptop, pda or WinCe ?
Mobile Equipment
What else can I do with APRS Connect your weather station DF abilites track vehicles (balloons, trucks, space vehicles, hurricanes) Messaging, regular format and NTS format Propagation, PropNet Send Weather related information Earthquake origins
What’s new in APRS? ARISS Amateur Radio Space Station – has a FAQ on how to interact with the ARISS. The Kenwood D7A and D700 work great with this ability
What’s new in APRS? New format for WX related information on APRS from KG5QG, Dale Hugley. This gives WinAPRS the ability to display Watches, Warning and Advisories in a more space efficient fashion and reduces packet size. The files can be obtained at or For APRS+SA
What’s new in APRS ?
Orange indicates an ADVISORY Red indicates a WARNING Yellow indicates a WATCH
New Software UI-Digi Digi-Ned uses a pc to act as an intelligent digipeater. Responded to queries. UI-View for both Win3.x and Win9x Can create custom maps on the fly without restarting the software. APRS Spec published
Other station tips What is my tnc deviation? The target is 3 kHz deviation Greatly improves channel throughput. Go to for more data. Open squelch?????? MFJ 1270 A and B series TNCs can not handle open squelch properly. TAPR DCD kit fixes this problem. Hidden and deaf transmitters
URL and link from today’s presentation
Credits Bob Bruninga, WB4APR TAPR Mark, KB2ICI and Keith, WU2Z, Sproul Brent Hilderbrand, KH2Z Steve Dimse, K4HG Mike Musick, N0QBF Rich Perry, W9IF John Ackerman, N8UR Dale Huguley KG5QD