Today’s Drill Answer the following questions in your notes… 1. Write a paragraph (at least 4 complete sentences) describing how you think humans navigated and explored the oceans 200 years ago (before radar, GPS, etc). You can not say, I don’t know… make a guess!!
Latitude vs Longitude Latitude Location of a place on Earth north or south of the equator (horizontal lines) Longitude Location of a place east or west of the Prime Meridian (Vertical)
Latitude Longitude
Vikings Explored between 800 AD – 1100 AD. Norway, Sweden, & Denmark. Wooden boats Sail & Oar powered Discovered Greenland, Canada, & North Africa.
Age of Exploration Bartholomeu Dias (1488) Portugese Established trading routes around Africa Christopher Columbus (1492) Looking for a route to India by going west and landed on Bahamas & Caribbean. Called them “West Indies”
Age of Exploration Con’t… John Cabot (1497) Mapped east coast of North America from Canada to Delaware Amerigo Vespucci (1503) First person to realize that North America was not part of Asia. “America” is his namesake. Others like da Verrazano, Cartier, & Hudson continued his work to explore North America. Ferdinand Magellan (1519) First exploration to circumnavigate the world!! He died along the way
Scientific Exploration John Harrison (1717) Marine Chronometer (help w. longitude) Captain John Cook (1750s) Astronomical observations, Scurvy, Mapping Benjamin Franklin Mapped Ocean Currents (e/x: Gulf Stream) Charles Darwin Explored Galapagos Islands & evolution
Early Exploration of Inner Space Inner Space – area below ocean’s surface Early explorers used: Diving ChamberDiving Suit:
Modern Diving Devices Scuba Tank & Gear S elf- C ontained U nderwater B reathing A pparatus In early days was known as Aqua-lung
Aquanauts: People who explore inner space Jim Suit Submersibles Remotely Operated Vehicles
Ticket-to-Ride In your notes answer the following questions… 2. What is the Benz? Why is it dangerous? 3. What invention made exploration of the ocean’s inner space possible?
Think-Write-Pair-Share Compare your answers for #3 with the person sitting NEXT to you. Write down on your drill sheet any of the ideas your partner has that you are missing.
DATE CHANGE Test has been moved to FRIDAY, October 11 You. Are. Welcome.
Homework Assignment Build Your Own Study Guide! 1. Create 4 questions you would include on a study guide (at least one short answer and one multiple choice question) 2. Submit to Edline via Homework Hand-in today Reminder: This counts as a full homework assignment. The drop box will close after class. Cinderella-style.
Homework Assignment Build Your Own Study Guide! 1. Create 4 questions you would include on a study guide (at least one short answer and one multiple choice question) 2. Submit to Edline via Homework Hand-in 3. Due Date: Sunday! 10/13 at midnight! Reminder: This counts as a full homework assignment. The drop box will close after midnight. Cinderella-style.
Drill Use the first 5 minutes of class to organize into your explorer groups. Go on a DESKTOP computer and “share” your prezi with me. Presentations begin at 11:35 with Christopher Columbus
Objective and Agenda SWBAT identify historic explorers in order to explain their contributions to science and society. Agenda: Presentations Test Study Guide
Presentation Expectations Each group will present today During presentations, class will fill out chart Be prepared with intelligent questions after each presentation The chart and discussion session is your drill and participation grade for today
Reminders Test has been moved to FRIDAY, October 11 Study Guide is due FRIDAY, October 11 Study Guide is worth one quiz grade (30pts)