Topics Covered: System System Sub system Sub system Characteristics of System Characteristics of System Elements of Systems Elements of Systems Types of System Types of System Physical and Abstract System Deterministic and Probabilistic System Open and Closed System Man made Information System
System: A set of components that work together to achieve a goal by: Accepting inputs Processing it Producing outputs in an organized manner. Examples : Computer System, Education System, Production System, Transportation System etc.
Sub System : Each system is composed of sub systems. The lowest level subsystem is called Black box system. The subsystems are integrated to form a system because a full system is too large to analyze. Sub system A Sub system B Sub system C Inputs Output from A Output from B Outputs Input to B Input to C
Characteristics of a System: Specific Objective: e.g. Business system has profit making as its objective or goal. Components: Subsystems which collectively work to achieve goals of the system. Organization: Arrangement of components that helps to achieve objectives.
e.g. General arrangement of a computer has An input device A CPU An output device One or more storage units These work together as a computer system.
Interaction: e.g. In an organization purchasing interact with production, advertising with sales and payroll with personnel. Interdependence: e.g. One subsystem depends on the input of another subsystem for proper functioning. Output of the one subsystem is the required input for another subsystem. Integration: It means that parts of the system work together where each part (component) performs a unique function. Behavior: A system responds according to its environment. E.g. a person may look left and right before crossing a road.
Elements of a System: Outputs: The main objective of a system is to produce outputs. Therefore first of all we must determine goal or purpose of work. Inputs: Inputs are the elements that are entered into the system for processing. Inputs can be easily determined if outputs are known.
The characteristics of inputs are: Accuracy Timeliness Proper Format Economy
Processor: This is the operational component. It converts inputs to outputs. Processor may totally or partially modify the input depending upon the specifications of outputs. Control: The decision maker element that control the activities of the system This element makes the system to operate within tolerable performance levels. Feedback: Feedback provides information about system performance and thus required modifications. It is of 2 types: Positive: Routine in nature & increases performance Feedback Negative: Provides information for action
Environment: The external elements which have an effect on the system forms an environment. e.g. An organization’s environment may consist of vendors, competitors, banks, government and others. Boundaries and Interface: limits that identify system’s components, processes and interrelationships when it interfaces with another system. e.g. A teller system in bank may include deposits, withdrawals etc. but may exclude mortgage, trust activities.
Types of system: Physical and Abstract system : Physical systems are tangible entities that may be static or dynamic in operation. e.g programmed computer is dynamic whereas tables, chairs, monitor etc are static. Abstract systems are conceptual or non physical entities e.g A model which is a representation of real system is an abstract system.
Deterministic and Probabilistic system: A Deterministic system is one in which occurrence of all events can be perfectly predicted. e.g a computer program. A Probabilistic system is one in which occurrence of all events can not be perfectly predicted. e.g contents of a stock.
Open and Closed system: An Open system is one which interacts with its environment being able to receive unexpected inputs. e.g Business Organization. A Closed system is one which does not interact with its environment. Such systems are rare e.g A computer system is not really but relatively closed system.
Man made Information system: Information system is defined as interaction of man & machine which gathers data & provides information after analysis. Management can take decision based on information system. The major information systems are: Formal Information system Informal Information system Computer based Information system
Formal Information system: It is based on the organization represented by the organization chart. It provides 3 types of information Strategic Information Managerial Information Operational Information Strategic Information Managerial Information Operational Information Top Middle Lower
Informal Information system: It is an employee based system designed to meet personnel and vocational needs. Computer based Information system: This information system depends on the computer for handling business application. It is classified as: Transaction Processing System: Management Information System: