June 7 th training - DRHS
HOUSE KEEPING 8:30 start 9:40ish RR Break 11: :30 Lunch 12:45 Round 2 1:45 – 1:55 RR Break 3:30 Dismissal
ORGANIZE ORGANIZE ORGANIZE Take the time to buy a Lego supply case or other method of containing and organizing the kits. Parts will grow legs if the students are not taught how to care for the kit.
Via Blue tooth laptop or wireless device
PROGRAMMING THE NXT BRICK TIP - Try to limit sounds & delete all demo programs to free up space…
COMPUTERS WE DON’T NEED THEM… You don’t need a computer to program the NXT brick. The programming is limited to very simple commands. Go to the NXT programs menu form the main menu then submenu
Tip – You can only test one sensor or motor at a time. The data from the motor or sensor will appear on the display.
Notice all of the different choices you have. Remember you can only view one port / motor at one time
Technology will install the NXT software on your laptop! Back-up! Back-up! Back-up! Store in a common location or file Include version number if possible Delete the old and unwanted!
Tip -Do not use this if you have wheels on your robot!