Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Proposed Videoconference SA Plans for Year 4 plus 6 Months (M37 to M54) Lajos Bálint, András Kovács (NIIF/HUNGARNET) 4 th GÉANT2 Technical Workshop Cambridge, 6 June 2007
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Present Problems No coordination between NREN VC support groups: –Slow problem identification and resolution –Bad user experience Lack of common monitoring tools: –Interdomain facilities not monitored at all (SLA? Stability?) –GDS has been very unstable recently Difficult to find contact points for remote endpoints: –Seeking new partnerships (?) –Difficult to organise a multi-party conference Volunteered multipoint resources for international meetings: –Ad-hoc, without any guarantees –No MCU/VC service in many countries (“digital divide”)
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Background and synergy European VC service history: –Has been subject of discussions since –Technical and organisational complexity –Failed to agree on technical content for GN2 Y3 –Recent activities (TERENA TF-VSS) → proposal Recognised synergies: –GN2 monitoring services (PerfSONAR) –GN2 EduGAIN AAI –TF-VSS and TF-ECS cooperation –Related NREN activities/projects ← to be harmonised
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Goals I. Establish coordination between NREN support groups: –Connect/Communicate/Collaborate –Mailing list –Common trouble ticketing system –Improve end-user experience Deployment of common monitoring/management tools: –IP reachability of critical equipment (national gatekeepers, MCU, …) –Network performance (PerfSONAR) –Continuous monitoring of interdomain VC services: Country reachability matrix (GDS/ENUM) –Deployment of test facilities: test numbers, audio/video echo services
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Goals II. Pan-European Videoconference Service website: –NREN support group contact points database –Monitoring/statistics tools –Federated directory of European VC endpoints –Multipoint VC resource scheduling interface –Knowledge base wiki Central multipoint VC (MCU) resource: optional –Support European/international projects’ collaboration –Support countries without national VC services –Serving as a GN2 central multipoint server –Required budget: 200kEuro
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Structure
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Effort & Resources Required: –~40MM (~3.33MY) –200kEuro (for central VC equipment – optional) NREN contributions: –Positive feedback (TERENA TAC & GA) –Manpower offers needed ASAP To do: –Decision on starting an SA –Decision on central resources –Provide your feedback/ideas –Further discussion on technical content –Finalise the proposal
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate More information Y4 planning discussions