Final Year Project 2 Systems and Networking Department
Overall Assessment Assessment Project Planning Mid-semester Demo Final Demo Project Report o Presentation for Excellence o Project Quality (only for A+, A and A- projects)
Project Planning (4%) O Must be submitted at the beginning of the semester AFTER discussion with supervisor. O Must include the following information: O Changes / modifications from project 1 (if any). O Project 2 milestones. O Milestones to be completed for mid-semester demo.
Mid-semester Demo (15%) O To be done between student and project supervisor. O Supervisor must ensure that the project is developed by the student (no plagiarism). O Plagiarized work should get 0 for the demo. AssessmentMarks Attendance + logbook5 Fulfillment of milestones10
Final Demo (30%) O To be done between student and project supervisor. O Supervisor must ensure that the project is developed by the student (no plagiarism). O Plagiarized work should get 0 for the demo. AssessmentMarks Attendance + logbook5 Fulfillment of milestones and project objectives 20 Quality of implementation5
Report (25%) Report ContentsMarks Introduction, objectives and scopes 3 Literature review3 Analysis and design3 Implementation and testing10 Conclusion3 Report quality, language and format 3
Presentation for Excellence O Will only be done for students who are qualified to get A+, A or A-. O Student is required to present and demo his/her project in front of both the supervisor and examiner in order to get their approval to be nominated for the A presentation session O Presentation will be performed in front of a panel selected by the department.
Presentation for Excellence O The panel will decide whether the project: O QUALIFIED to be given A+, A or A-, OR O NOT qualified for A+, A or A- O Only marks from supervisor will be used to determine the project grade. O The panel will also scrutinize the originality of the work O If the panel found out that the work is plagiarize or not done by the student, the student can be FAILED
What to present? O Project background O Project objectives O Project scope O Overall design O Demo the project outcome
Submission O You have to submit all the items below in a CD to the coordinator: O Report O Manual on how to execute/install your project O All your codes / programs O Only A and A+ student need to submit one copy or hardcover report to the college
Deadlines TasksDeadlineAction Project Planning21 Nov 2014Students and supervisors Mid-semester demo17 Dec 2014Students and supervisors Final demo + submission of draft report 28 Jan 2015Students and supervisors Submission of name for presentation (A project) 30 Jan 2015Supervisors Submission of final report 6 Feb 2015Students and supervisors Presentation (A project)After final exam Students, panels
O Q & A