Neutrinos and TeV photons from Soft Gamma Repeater giant flares Neutrino telescopes can be used as TeV detectors for short time scale events using s from photoproduction in showers ! Can AMANDA detect a signal from 27 Dec. giant flare from SGR (above horizon)? In what channels? Review soft- and X-ray observations on SGR giant flares A toy model based on Beppo-SAX SGR spectrum Muon and Neutrino signals Backgrounds Useful information for the blind data analysis Francis Halzen, Hagar Landsman, Teresa Montaruli astro-ph/ LBL, IceCube Meeting, Mar. 2005
What are SGR’s? X-ray stars emitting short (~100 ms) bursts in X/soft -ray typically of energy D 10 2 ergs Steady X-ray emission with luminosities D 10 2 erg/s with OTTB+power law spectra E -(1 3) From slow down rate of steady emission period (5-8 s) huge magnetic fields B ~ G Similar to 8 Anomalous X-ray Pulsars but typically these do not emit bursts (1 exception) 5 galactic except for SGR in LMC Woods & Thompson, astro-ph/
The Magnetar Model and emission Steady X-ray emission powered by decay of n star magnetic field Luminosities D 10 2 erg/s periodic (5-8 s) Neutrinos: Zhang et al ApJ 595 (2003) the potential drop through the magnetosphere of the rotating n star might accelerate protons above photomeson threshold (depends on n star period and B and geometrical factor) interaction on thermal radiation from heated n star surface Rates strongly depend on beaming angle around polar axis dN/dE E -2
Why giant flares? 3 ‘giant’ flares: VERY HARD component dN/dE E (Cheng et al., Nature 1996) Dec. 27, 2004 peak lasting 0.25 s followed by a 300 s long tail with 7.57 s period and -140 s precursor (INTEGRAL, GCN2920) following previous series of bursts: Dec 21 and Oct 5. Still active. Rearrangements of magnetic field and formation and dissipation of strong localized currents. These may fracture the rigid crust that outbursts Can be a process in which nucleons and nuclei are accelerated Similar to small GRB’s: SGR giant flares are less intense but d 2 Detected radio afterglows imply relativistic outflows + huge luminosities with barion loading fireball (Piran et al, astro-ph , Ioka et al, astro-ph/ )
Giant flare energy SourceSGR (1998)SGR (2004) Duration0.35s0.25 s Fluence in initial pulse (ergs/cm 2 ) >5.5·10 -3 (Konus-Wind keV) > (Beppo-SAX keV) 2.4!!(GEOTAIL) >0.1 (RHESSI) Ge detectors up to 15 MeV saturated No spectral measurement of the 1 st s available. X-ray detectors suffered saturation effects. SGR AMANDA B-10 Beppo-SAX: Spectrum for first 68s up to 700keV (1s resolution) SGR AMANDA-II (critical period) No spectrum available. Similar flare. >2 orders of magnitude stronger GEOTAIL (astro-ph/ ) not saturated: measured fluence implies for d = 15 kpc a very efficient mechanism that releases ~10 47 erg in 600 ms
The SGR Aug 27, 1998 giant outburst Beppo-Sax (Feroci et al, 1999) A) 0-67 sec keV OTTB+PL E -1 exp(-E/31.2 keV)+E B) sec keV OTTB E -1 exp(-E/34.2 keV) + E -4.5 C) sec keV OTTB E -1 exp(-E/28.9 keV) E Guidorzi et al, 2004: response function of GRBM was not well known at large off-axis angles keV only and 10% sys error
Spectrum Extrapolation at TeV energies OTTB+PL fits New best fit accounts better for the <60 keV region but for HE we use negative power law and vary it to account for the errors Guidorzi private communication
Muons from Gammas Competition of pion interaction and decay in the atmosphere (Drees Halzen Hikasa, PRD39, 1989, Stanev Gaisser Halzen PRD ) : AMANDA-II horizontal averaged area = m 2 and 0.3 s At South Pole: =-20˚ = 70˚ spectra Pion photoproduction cross section in FLUKA energy to produce of energy E E ,th = 10 GeV
Muon signal But this particular flare was at 68˚ and Milagro analyses are commonly performed up to 45˚ astro-ph/ Hz in 8 2 deg 2 and 0.3 s at 5 km depth Gamma showers in MILAGRO
For a source below horizon as SGR But also horizontal muons from neutrinos but 1/ 2.65 Upward-going muons and cascades in AMANDA
Conclusions We calculated possible muon and neutrino rates for Dec 27 giant flare as a function of spectrum. AMANDA can constrain it ! Relevant time scale of the order of 0.1 s and spatial constraint allow a search using downgoing muons We should use the neutrino cascade channel and look for neutrino induced muons We will preferably use IceTray or SIEGLINDE Start from raw data -> ROOT files