Pasewark & Pasewark Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course 1 INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT POWERPOINT Part 1 – PowerPoint Basics
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 2 Some features in Part 1 are only available in Office XP.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 3 Objectives Start PowerPoint. Open an existing presentation. Save a presentation. Navigate through a presentation. Use the menus and toolbars. Use the Slide Preview and Outline Panes. Use the Task Pane.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 4 Objectives (continued) Use the Slide Pane. Use the Speaker Notes. Use Menus and Toolbars. Change views. Delete a slide. Print a presentation. Exit PowerPoint.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 5 Terms Used in This Part Normal view Outline tab PowerPoint Print Handouts option Print Notes Pages option Print Outline View option Print Slide option Slide Slide Preview Pane Slide Show Slide Show view Slide Sorter view
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 6 Introduction to PowerPoint PowerPoint will help you create a professional presentation. Illustrate your ideas using slides, outlines, speaker’s notes, and audience handouts. Presentations can include text, clip art, graphs, tables, charts, and sound or video clips. PowerPoint provides features such as design templates and wizards that help make creating a presentation easier.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 7 Starting PowerPoint Start PowerPoint by clicking the Start button, selecting Programs, and clicking Microsoft PowerPoint.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 8 Opening and Viewing an Existing Presentation To open an existing presentation, choose the presentation from the list in the PowerPoint task pane under the heading Open a presentation or choose Open from the File menu. If the presentation you want to open is not in the list, click the More presentations folder. To view the presentation, select View Show from the Slide Show menu on the menu bar.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 9 Saving a Presentation To save a new presentation, choose Save As from the File menu or click the Save button on the toolbar to display the Save As dialog box.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 10 Views Normal view displays four panes: the Slides pane, the task pane, the Outline pane, and the notes pane. Notes Page view displays your slides on the top portion of the page, with the speaker notes for each slide in the notes pane on the bottom of the page. Slide Sorter view displays miniature versions of the slides on screen so that you can move and arrange slides easily by dragging. In Slide Show view, you can run your presentation on the computer as if it were a slide projector and preview how it will look.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 11 Using Menus and Toolbars PowerPoint first displays a short menu with only basic commands. Expand the menu by clicking the arrows at the bottom of the menu. PowerPoint adjusts the menus to display the commands you use most frequently, adding a command when you choose it and dropping a command when it hasn’t been used recently. In Normal view, the three toolbars displayed on the screen by default are Standard, Formatting, and Drawing.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 12 Deleting Slides Display the slide you want to delete, and choose Delete Slide from the Edit menu. If you accidentally delete the wrong slide, immediately choose Undo Delete Slide from the Edit menu to restore the slide or click the Undo button on the toolbar.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 13 Printing a Presentation PowerPoint offers several print options: – Slides option – Notes Pages option – Outline View option – You can also choose to print one, two, three, four, six, or nine slides per page.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 14 Printing a Presentation (cont.) In addition: – You can choose to print all the slides, only the current slide, or any combination of slides in your presentation. – You can choose either the Grayscale or Pure black and white option. – To make sure that the slides print on the page correctly, there is a Scale to fit paper option. – With the Frame slides option, you can choose whether the border of the slide appears when printed.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 15 Closing a Presentation and Exiting PowerPoint To close a presentation, choose Close from the File menu or click the presentation’s Close Window button. To exit PowerPoint, choose Exit from the File menu or click the PowerPoint Close box in the upper-right corner of the screen. If there are any unsaved changes to a presentation that you have been working on, you will be asked whether you want to save them before exiting.
PowerPoint - Part 1 Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 16 Summary PowerPoint can help you create a professional presentation. When you start PowerPoint, you have the choice of opening an existing presentation or creating a new one. You can view your presentation four different ways: Normal view, Notes Page view, Slide Sorter view, and Slide Show view. You can print your presentation as slides using the Slides option, with notes using the Notes Pages option, or as an outline using the Outline View option. You can also choose to print handouts with two, three, four, six, or nine slides per page. To exit PowerPoint, choose Exit from the File menu.