Join the Falls Prevention Virtual Learning Collaborative Rapid Fire Team Presentation Template Virtual Learning Session #3 Name of Presenter: Cathy-Jo Doyle
HOME CARE YHSSA Communities of Yellowknife,N’Dilo,Dettah RN’s, LPN Foot Care Nurses Home Support Workers OT/PT Medical Social Worker Dietician Mental Health Nurse Referral care Coordinator Who We Are
AIM Find a screening tool for falls screening Reduce falls by 40% 100% of all new clients will have a falls risk screening completed upon admission 100% of clients with documented falls will have a prevention and or injury reduction plan
Team Members Team Leader Cathy-Jo Doyle (HSW Supervisor) Team Karin Bucher RN, BN Liza Gaudet RCC: Intake Coordinator Rachel Mullen OT Erica Bowie PT
Change Ideas 1- Initiated trial of the Morse Falls Scale on all new admissions X 1 week 2- Extended trial for 1 month (November) and continued to use MFS on all new admissions 3- PT trialed the Tinetti Balance tool with 1-2 clients who scored moderate to high risk on the MFS 4- OT reviewed an environmental tool and trialed with 1-2 clients who scored moderate to high risk on the MFS 5- RN compared the PST score and the MFS score for October and November client intakes where both tools used to seek a correlation
Measures Use Morse Falls Scale on 100% of all new admissions Identify clients with moderate to high risk factors for injury/falls Initiate OT/PT referral for clients who scored moderate to high Implement care plans and target interventions to reduce risks specific to those individuals Link to other programs, ie Elders In Motion Review, Review, Review
Lessons Learned This has been a huge learning experience That whatever we do, no matter how small, will benefit our clients, their families, our program and our community Feel proud of what we have accomplished With each PDSA worksheet, another 2 ideas are generated Work as a team, not alone!
We did not have any falls prevention program or strategy, started from scratch (struggled in first couple weeks, then bonded and got moving!) Learning how to use the Morse Falls Scale (researched and reviewed with the Team) Finding the time to review with the Team (weekly Team meetings/updates given by ) Challenges
Continue to use the Morse Falls Scale on all new admissions as a complement to the PST (priority screening tool) Utilize the MFS on 5 current clients in Home Care Educate staff on fall prevention strategies at the monthly multidisciplinary meeting Incorporate results, assessments into individualized care plans How to track falls, act upon falls Create a pathway for Falls Prevention (Long Term Goal) Incorporate into policy, accreditation (Long Term Goal) Next Steps
Name: Cathy-Jo Doyle, HSW Supervisor Karin Bucher RN, BN Phone Number: Contact Information