Oklahoma Department of Human Services Child Welfare Database Migration
How to Drive Oneself Crazy and Still Have Fun
The KIDS System as of Autumn 2000 Powerbuilder thick client with Oracle backend HP9000 T Mhz PA-RISC 7100 CPUs Hard drives at the end of support life SCSI attached RAID HP-UX Oracle Supports 600+ users Token Ring
The Original Plan Upgrade hardware to modern HP hardware Dual processor PA-RISC 8500 Failover system (MC/Serviceguard) Fibre attached SAN (va7100) Bonded 100mb ethernet
HP Positives Uptime measured at % Increased disk throughput Increased processing capacity 64 bit operating system
HP Negatives Expensive support Idle CPU cycles Multiple hardware platforms Multiple DASD platforms
An Unrelated Project? It’s time to upgrade that ole mainframe thing-a-majig
IBM Makes a Proposal Shhhh! Chris likes it!
IBM’s Proposal Apply money allocated to KIDS upgrade to z/900 purchase Purchase two IFL’s for z/VM and Linux Offer a lot of help
IBM Positives Consolidation of hardware Single source for support Hardware reliability Utilize existing storage infrastructure z/VM allows for better resource management Leverage tight pocketbook
IBM Negatives Oracle RDBMS not yet available for production Linux relatively unproven in mission critical environments No failover capability Scalability concerns Management uneducated about Linux
The Decision...
Is Linux
Issues encountered Database corruption 2000/4000 character field 31 bit 2 gigabyte limit Online backup solution Sysadmin education User education Management education
Positives encountered Oracle is Oracle Applicability of existing Unix knowledge Linux is configured more securely Management becomes more open to Linux solutions Fundamental changes in recovery and security concepts
Two years later...
Final migration scheduled for April 10, 2004
After the Migration z/VM 4.4 Oracle 10g Availability –RAC –Response