Mrs. Amanda Randall & Mrs. Angela McNeill
Welcome to our room! Please make sure you have filled out the sign-in sheet. It is located on the green cabinet. Take one of the parent letters also. Most of the information you will read in this slide-show will be in the parent letter.
We do a lot of hands-on learning. Therefore, your child’s clothes will get dirty. Please send an extra set of clothes to school in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it. Messy Learning
Mississippi requires all pre-k classrooms to designate a quiet time or nap time. I tell the students that they do not have to sleep, but they have to lay down and rest. Child-sized blankets are allowed, but they are also sent home daily. No stuffed animals or toys during nap time unless a note is sent home from the teacher. Nap-Time!
Your child will carry a binder to and from school everyday. Please check it daily and keep all completed work at home. Send any notes and money to school in the zipper pouch that we will put in the binder. Communication Binder!
Homework packets will be sent home on Mondays. Please help your child complete the pages and return them to school on Fridays. Some weeks we will not have homework. Homework
We will place a behavior chart in your child’s binder each month. Everyday it will be marked depending on which color your child ends up on that day. We have 6 different colors on our behavior chart. I will keep the charts when a new month is added. Behavior Chart!
Your child will have a clothes clip with his/her name on it. If your child breaks one of our classroom rules, he or she moves his/her clip down one color. Behavior Chart!
Green- Super day! Yellow- Good day. Red- Warning! Orange- Miss 5 minutes of P.E. or fun center. Blue- Miss 10 minutes of P.E. or fun center. Purple- Office Visit and parent conference. Behavior Chart!
Our reward system is called the “Green Card System.” If your child stays on green, he/she will get to pick a green card from the bucket on the next morning when they arrive in class. Rewards!
Each green card is different. Here are some examples: No shoes in the classroom. Wear a hat for the day. Wear sunglasses for the day. A piece of candy. Two pieces of candy. Pick a prize from the treasure chest. Sample Rewards:
Pick out a new pencil. Sit beside a buddy from another class at lunch. Show and Tell Bring a pillow for nap time. Bring a stuffed animal for nap time. Wear PJ’s to school. And many, many, more! Sample Rewards:
We will send a note home in your child’s binder if your child needs be bring something from home to redeem his/her green card. Remind your child daily about these green cards! He or she can only draw a card IF their own clip is on green. Rewards:
If your child has to move his/her clip from green during the day, he or she has a chance to move up a color if I think the behavior has improved enough. Rewards:
Morning Drop-off! No drop-offs before 7:30 a.m. per the district handbook. You may walk your child into class or he/she can unload in the car rider line. I have an outside door and walkway so that your child can walk straight from the car into the classroom.
Morning Drop-off! If it is raining during morning drop-off, pull down to the awning in front of the double doors so that your babies do not have to walk through the rain. There will be teachers in the hallway directing them to the correct classroom.
Afternoon Pickup! Will be in the designated area at the Pre- k end of the building. On the sidewalk- right outside our door.
Snack: B.Y.O.S.- Bring Your Own Snack Please do not send more snacks than your child can eat in a 15 minute period.
Our lunch is at 10:40. As of now, the cafeteria does not have any microwaves. Please do not send a lunch that has to be heated. Lunch!
Dresses: The children sit Indian-style on our carpet a lot of the time. We also dance and move a lot during the day. If your daughter wears a dress to school, please make sure she has on shorts under her skirt or dress.
I know that your have seen an overload of information. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. We are going to have a great year! I am looking forward to teaching your sweet baby! The End!