Teacher Talking Time
Useless TTT: Disadvantages Limits the amount of STT Lots of TTT = lots of T/class mode: unengaging for learners. Concentration and pace suffer TTT often means that the teacher is “telling” the students things that they could be working out for themselves. Lack of involvement + Have they understood? TTT often means that the teacher takes the lead in all exchanges: not a natural discourse model Leads to excessively controlling Teacher and reduces learner autonomy
Valuable TTT Roughly-tuned input: Language Acquisition = CI + 1 (Krashen) TTLs: Teacher Talk Listenings (Live Listening) Often more motivating than listening to a CD or tape
Demand High!
Vampire bat returns Blood/mouth Roof Sleep Bats/blood Wake up!/Leave me alone! Blood! Where? Ok. Follow me! Out … down Mountain River Forest Stop suddenly See that tree? Well ………….!!!!
Exploiting TTT: useful v useless Prepare a brief story, joke, personal anecdote Tell it clearly and slowly, supported by: Mime and gestures Punching key words Pausing Visuals Show the prompts/bones of the story. Tell it again as learners follow the prompts Give learners some time to mentally rehearse the story Pairs tell the story: call ‘CHANGE’ every few seconds Ask learners to write down any expressions they liked/want to learn Change partners and tell it again … better!
Thank you and remember …. The next time they tell you something new is ‘in’ …… DTOTBWTB!!!!!! Don’t ….. Throw… Out… The … Baby… With .. Bathwater!
Thanks alanmarshinmalta@gmail.com www.alanmarshelt.com
Communicative Language Teaching and the PPP model
Situational Presentations
What will she take?
Concept checking questions Is it raining now? (no/not relevant) Is it certainly going to rain? (no) Is it possible it will rain? (yes) Does she want to be prepared if it rains?
What will she take?
What will she take?
Language clarification She ’ll take her umbrella in case it rains. sunglasses it’s sunny. bikini she goes swimming. S + will future + object + in case + present simple
‘Free’ production/Further practice e.g. you’re going for a long walk with some friends on Saturday. What are you going to take? Why?
Disadvantages of PPP Grammar is the main key to language learning. If Ss aren't ready to learn, or don't want or need to learn, that particular grammar point, the whole lesson can be a bit of a waste. Ss never really get a chance to practice realistic communication. Third stage – too early for real internalisation
Pedro’s Bad Hair Day
Poor old Pedro! He’s sorry he didn’t stay at home He’s sorry he drank four Tequilas He’s sorry he went to Fuego He’s sorry that the beautiful girl walked in He’s sorry he slipped He’s sorry he broke his leg He’s sorry he didn’t do his homework
Focus on form I wish I’d stayed at home! I wish I hadn’t drunk four Tequilas! S + wish + S + had (not) +past participle
PP and Personalise for Speaking Fluency
Over to you: personalise and practise speaking fluency Think of something you wish you’d done or wish you hadn’t done. Here are some ideas. Choose one and think of two reasons why you wish …. Tell your partner. Ask your partner questions about what they say, too. I wish I’d ……. I wish I hadn’t…… + 2 reasons Today At the conference At school This summer This year When you were younger
Thank you and remember …. The next time they tell you something new is ‘in’ …… DTOTBWTB!!!!!! Don’t ….. Throw… Out… The … Baby… With .. Bathwater!
Thanks alanmarshinmalta@gmail.com www.alanmarshelt.com