CSP250/Beauty Within the Beast:
The Sociocultural System 1) SuperStrucrure: The mental life of the system (Ideas, believes, values, norm 2) Structure: The Organization of the system A) The Political Economy: a1) The Economic Organization a2) The Political Organization B) The Domestic Economy: Kinship (Family, Marriage & Descent Rules) 3) Infrastructure: Technological/Environmental Base of the System A) The Mode of Production B) The Mode of Reproduction
Structure: A) The Political Organization Political Organization : the institutions of public-decision making Band : A political organization characteristic of Foraging society. It is composed of several house holds who are related through kinship where coercive authority does not exist. Leadership is based on first-among-equals principles. Tribe : A political organization characteristic of Patoralists and Horticulturalists. It is composed of several bands or lineages. While coercive power does not exist, leadership is based on prestige, hard work, and generosity. Chiefdom : A political organization of permanently allied tribes. It is an intermediary stage between Tribe and State where leadership is inherited. State : A political organization that is centralized and leadership posses coercive power.
Structure: A) The Political Organization The State: A political organization that is centralized and leadership posses coercive power. Power : The ability to mobilize resources to achieve ends regardless of consensus. Political Power : The ability to enact and enforce laws using coercive authority. Objective Power : The ability to effectively control societal critical resources. The Agrarian State : Political and Objective powers are held by the political center The Nation State : Political Power is held by the political center while objective power is held by capitalists The Panopticon State: The Future?
National Corporations National Corporations (Objective Power) The Laborer The Laborer The Nation State The Nation State (Political Power) The Culture of Capitalism World Systems The Consumer (Laborers & Capitalist) The Consumer (Laborers & Capitalist)
Trans-National Corporations Trans-National Corporations (Objective Power) The Laborer The Laborer World Trade Organization North America Free Trade Agreement Free Trade Areas of the Americas World Bank World Trade Organization North America Free Trade Agreement Free Trade Areas of the Americas World Bank International Monetary Fund etc…. (Political Power) The Culture of Global Capitalism World Systems The Consumer (Laborers & Capitalist) The Consumer (Laborers & Capitalist)