Leaving Certificate Biology Circulatory System 1 iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
Which of the following is not carried in the blood? Fatty acidsUrine GlucoseHormones
Which of the following structures contains valves? ArteriolesVeins ArteriesCapillaries
The component of blood that carries oxygen is … PlasmaPlatelets White blood cellsRed corpuscles
Oxygen, nutrients and wastes enter and leave the blood through thin- walled structures called … CapillariesVenules LymphaticsArterioles
Which chamber of the heart receives blood from the lungs? Right ventricleLeft ventricle Right auricleLeft auricle
An open circulatory system is possessed by … BirdInsect EarthwormAmoeba
Which of the following fluids are associated with the lacteal? LymphPlasma Aqueous humourSynovial fluid
Which of the following does not carry deoxygenated blood? Renal veinPulmonary vein Hepatic portal veinHepatic vein
Where are the red blood cells/corpuscles made? HeartMuscles Bone marrowLiver
Which of the following blood vessels bring blood to the heart tissue? Carotid arteryHepatic portal vein Coronary arteryPulmonary artery
In portal circulation blood flows through … KidneyLiver HeartLungs
All the cells of the body are bathed in a tissue fluid called … SerumLymph PlasmaBlood
Plasma contains all the following except … FibrinogenAntibodies StarchHormones
Name the fluid which is the main constituent of protoplasm and accounts for about 50% of body weight. PlasmaDigestive juices Intercellular fluidIntracellular fluid
The contraction of heart muscle is known as … DiastoleSystole PeristalsisNeurotransmission
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