Entomology The study of insects
Insect Body Plan
Insect Body Plan four wings six legs modifications none halteres
Insect Body Plan compound eyes antennae
insect body divided into 20 segments Insect Body Plan grouped into three tagma insect body divided into 20 segments
each tagma has its own job Insect Body Plan each tagma has its own job head
Insect Body Plan thorax abdomen
mouthparts adapted for chewing Insect Body Plan sucking mouthparts adapted for chewing or other
Insect Body Plan Open circulatory system – blood flows in a hemocoel, not in blood vessels Simple respiratory system – made of a system of tracheal tubes and spiracles (openings on abdomen)
Insect Life
complete metamorphosis Insect Life direct metamorphosis complete metamorphosis
Insect Life some larva eat carrion some feed themselves some fed by parents or are parasites
Insects finish