The Cell The 3 Principles of Cell Theory: The cell is the basic unit of life All cells come from pre-existing cells (mitosis, meiosis, fertilization) All organisms are made of one or more cells
The scale Of Things!
What are cells so small?
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Primitive modern Simple complex DNA is in nucleiod region DNA is in nucleus No membrane bound membrane bound organelles organelles Smaller (1-3 µm Ave.) Larger (10-30 µm) Bacteria, Archae Protists, Fungi, Plants Animals
Prokaryotic Cell
Eukaryotic Cell
Plant Cell vs. Animal Cell Cell Wall Chloroplasts Central Vacuole Plant Cell
Plant Cell vs. Animal Cell Centrioles Cilia and Flagella More Lysosomes Animal Cell
Organelles: The Nucleus Controls cell activities Contains the DNA (DNA = hereditary material) Parts: Nuclear envelope Pores Nucleolus (RNA)
Organelles: Ribosomes Ribosomes = site of protein synthesis (can be free floating or attached to ER)
Organelles: ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum) Rough ER = has ribosomes Smooth ER = no ribosomes So difference in function? Rough has protein synthesis occur on it and smooth does not Form channels of membrane for transport of materials in cell
Organelles: Golgi Apparatus Sorts and packages materials
Endomembrane System
Organelles: Lysosomes Contain hydrolytic (digestive) enzymes Breakdown worn out parts of the cell
Organelles: Mitochondria (powerhouse) Function: Cellular Respiration releases energy for the cell to use Parts: Outer membrane Inner Membrane Cristae Matrix
Organelles: Chloroplast (plastid) Function: produce and store food Parts: Outer Membrane Inner Membrane Grana Stroma
Chloroplast and Mitochondria Semi-autonomous organelles Both have double membranes Both have their own DNA Both make some of their own proteins Cells on their own at one time??
Organelles: Vacuoles Animals: small vacuoles Plants: central vacuole Stores toxins Water regulation Lysosomal function Outside membrane= tonoplast
Microbodies: convert harmful substances into useful ones i.e. peroxisome 2H2O2 2H2O + 2O2 Peroxisome converts hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen
Cytoskeleton: movement of organelles, shape and support Microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments
Organelles: Cilia and Flagella
Structure of cilia and flagella (9 + 2 arrangement)
Cell to Cell Junctions: Plants-Plasmodesmata
Cell to Cell Junctions: Animal Cells Desmosomes Gap junctions Tight Junctions
Cell Membrane: Fluid-Mosaic Model
Cell Membrane: made of phospholipids and proteins