Group 5: 蔡秀佳,吴寅姗, 朱敏仪,郑雪芸,黄文丽, 杜丹霞,谭雅倩,龚茵贤 About Artistry
ARTISTRY, The Essence of Art
Target Market Mainly for young ladies and men Combined with a direct sale policy and discount for premium members (高级会 员), it makes the brand a luxury one only available for prestige customers (有威望的客户).
Intellectual (知性) Elegant (优雅) Fashion (时尚) Target Market
Product 1.Skincare : ( 1 ) Anti-aging : YOUTH XTEND SERUM CONCENTRATE ( 2 ) Brightening : IDEAL RADIANCE ILLUMINATING ESSENCE 645RMB 30ml 600RMB 30ml
3.Men : (black packing) GENTLE FACE WASH 2.Make-up: BALANCING FOUNDATIONProduct 380RMB 30ml 248RMB 115g
Product 1.Refine from plants 2.Be healthy to people’s skin Then, what about its price?
high-grade cosmeticsPrice Artistry ® Chi for 14 ® Live ngan essence 雅姿 ® 玑因 14® 活颜精华液
Price Three price strategies : 1.The environmental-friendly product 2.The higher quality, the higher price. 3.Different products with different levels of price.
1.Direct selling ( ) Direct Seller Customer Agency Manufacture Place (Distribution) 2.Shop +The employment of a salesman(1998~)