How Do Our Senses Help Us?
Think About It…. How would your life be different if you couldn’t hear what was going on around you? Do you know anyone that is deaf? How is their life different (if at all) from yours?
The Ear T Pinna Ear Canal Ear Drum Middle Ear Bones Cochlea Basilar Membrane Semiconductor Canals Oval Window
The Outer Ear 1.Pinna 2. Auditory Canal 3.Eardrum –Tympanic Membrane 1 2 3
The Middle Ear 1.Bones of the Middle Ear –Hammer –Anvil –Stirrup 2. Oval Window 1 2
The Inner Ear 1.Semicircular Canals 2.Basilar Membrane 3.Cochlea 4.Auditory Nerve and 3
How We Hear Sound waves move through the Auditory canal Sound waves cause the Tympanic membrane (the Eardrum) to vibrate
Vibrations from the ear drum cause the Middle Ear Bones to vibrate The middle bones cause the Cochlea to vibrate Inside the Cochlea is the Basilar Membrane which codes vibrations into different nerve impulses Nerve impulse are sent to the brain via the Auditory Nerve
Match the Parts of the Ear Pinna Cochlea Middle Ear Bones Basilar Membrane Auditory Canal Auditory Nerve Eardrum Oval Window Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear
Parts of the Ear Outer Ear Pinna Auditory Canal Eardrum Middle Ear Middle Ear Bones Oval Window Inner Ear Cochlea Basilar Membrane Auditory Nerve
Name the Parts of the Ear
Pinna Canal Eardrum Oval Window Cochlea Auditory Nerve Semiconductor CanalsMiddle Ear Bones
Hearing Without Awareness Can you learn new information in your sleep?
Organizing the Auditory World Unless we are paying attention no new learning will be retained Similarity Good Continuation Categorical Perception
Smell: A Nose for News?
Nose Facts Women are better than men at detecting many odors (Cain, 1982) Younger adults are better at detecting odors than children or middle adults (Cain & Gent, 1991)
The Olfactory System One of the oldest and parts of the brain Olfactory information travels to the brain's cortex, where conscious thought occurs. Creates the sensation of flavor.
Think About It… Odors affect our thoughts, emotions and behavior. An example of this might be feeling sad when you unexpectedly smell an old boyfriend’s aftershave or girlfriend’s perfume. What smells trigger memories or emotional responses from you?
Taste: The Mouth Has It
Taste Buds
Microscopic structures Located on tongue, back of throat, and cheeks Taste buds die and are replace every 10 days All tastes are a combination of four tastes: -Sweet-Sour -Salty-Bitter
The skin is the body’s largest organ Receptors in the skin send information to the brain Skin protects us from germs Helps us feel pain when we are injured
Putting it all together.. Now you know the five senses and what they can do. If you had to choose one sense to live without, which one would it be and why?