+ S573: Education of Information Users Week 11
+ Assignment #5: Teaching Statement What is a teaching statement? When will you be asked to write? Samples: samples/index.html samples/index.html
+ Library Instruction in the Digital Age (LaGuardia, 2011) Design the right systems Keep a local focus on user needs Get a realistic perspective on library instruction Acknowledge the paradigm shift in reference question complexity Public Relations Priorities Which recommendations she had was most helpful to you?
+ E-learning How many of you have taken online courses in the past? How was your experience?
Total number of students taking any distance ed course % of all students taking any distance education courses All % E-learning in postsecondary institutions Total number of 2-year and -year Title IV degree-granting postsecondary institutions, and percent that offered distance education courses, by course type and institutional type:
+ K-12: Growth of E-learning As of 2009, over 4million students participated in online learning programs The growth rate of online population is 17-20% per year By 2014, over 25% of all students is likely to take online classes
+ Growth of e-learning
+ E-learning Information alone is not learning Two types of e-learning (Kling & Hara, 2004) In a passive conception, teaching is limited access to appropriate information [“ Upload/download University”] In an active conception, students learn through vigorous inquiry about "authentic issues" -- either alone or in groups.
+ Becoming an Online Distance Learner (Motteram & Forrester, 2005) Overwhelmingly positive findings about online courses in the literature Why? “No significant difference” argument Compare between face-to-face and online
+ Becoming an Online Distance Learner (Motteram & Forrester, 2005) Online learning: Requires technical capability Underdeveloped sense of identity as a student Less social with other students 24-7 tutor Learning community? Virtual team work What can we do to support online learners?
+ Lights! Camera! Action! Producing Library Instruction Video Tutorials... (Charnigo, 2009) Text-based E.g., Screen recorder software Camtasia Studio [$299] Camtasia Studio DemoCreator [$99.95] DemoCreator ViewletBuilder [freeware / $399] ViewletBuilder Captivate [$799] – available via IUWare Captivate CamStudio [open source] CamStudio
+ Videoconference (Lederer, 2006) Prepare well Do a trial run Talk to audiences in different locations Colors get distorted (slides, diagrams)
Barriers to widespread adoption of online learning – Fall 2006 over 2,500 colleg./univ.
+ Learning Objects as Tools for Teaching Information Literacy Online (Mestre, et al. 2011) Learning object: A reusable instructional resources,..., developed to support learning. Examples of learning objects? Survey to understand the current situation in which librarians are facing in regard to using learning objects Are the findings surprising? What can we do to improve the current situation?
+ A Dozen Learner-Centered Web Recommendations (Bonk & Cummings, 1998) 1. Establish a safe environment and a sense of community 2. Exploit the potential of the medium for deeper student engagement 3. Let there be choices 4. Facilitate, don’t dictate 5. Use public and private forms of feedback 6. Vary the forms of electronic mentoring and apprenticeship 7. Employ recursive assignments that build from personal knowledge
+ A Dozen Learner-Centered Web Recommendations (Bonk & Cummings, 1998) 7. [cont.] 8. Vary the forms of electronic writing, reflection, and other pedagogical activities 9. Use student Web explorations to enhance course content 10. Provide clear expectations and prompt task structuring 11. Embed thinking skill and portfolio assessment as an integral part of Web assignments 12. Look for ways to personalize the Web experience
+ A Learner-Centered Framework for E- learning (McCombs & Vakili, 2005) Assume that you need to teach an e-learning course, what are strategies/tips presented in McCombs & Vakili (2005, pp ) that you would like to incorporate in your own teaching?
+ Summary What’s the top three strategies to make online learning successful?