Maritime Arrivals Reporting System Tom Watson Travellers and Vessels September 2015 Biosecurity Information Sessions 2015 Note: Content of presentation is true and accurate as of 1 September Details provided could be subject to change.
Overview The MARS system is the establishment of a web portal to facilitate the submission of pre-arrival documentation and for the receipt of service information MARS will be used by: International vessel masters and shipping agents Maritime National Coordination Centre Departmental Inspectors Scope: Initially for commercial vessels Yachts will continue to be managed under existing arrangements and are scheduled for management through MARS in 2016
Issues with the current department system: VMS Smartform Size limitations lead to data quality issues Operational inefficiencies Inability to perform holistic risk assessment Version control Other No visibility of application status Manual financial processing Limited capacity for data collection and reporting No vetting process
MARS Key Features Client ‘self-service’ web portal interface Simple lodgment of pre-arrival documentation online by masters and shipping agents Up-to-date status of each application A Biosecurity Status Document (BSD) providing clear biosecurity directions for greater transparency of departmental requirements An automated fee process and better data capture to improve efficiency and effectiveness of invoicing Comprehensive recording of data for better targeted, risk-based intervention and reduced intervention for compliant vessels
Helping you comply: the Vessel Compliance Scheme (VCS) Supports informed compliance Visible for agents and masters to query Similar to driver licence point system Demerit points based on inspection results
Pre-arrival Reporting and Internet Connections 1. Masters with Internet Access Master submits all pre-arrival reports via MARS web portal MARS maintains a vessel profile 2. Masters with access (no Internet) Master completes pre-arrival ‘smartforms’ Master s ‘xml’ data to agent Agent submits all pre-arrival reports via MARS web portal Support to load pre-arrival data from ‘xml’ file 3. Masters with no or internet access Master completes pre-arrival forms and faxes them to agent Agent manually keys-in data into MARS MARS will maintain a vessel profile to reduce data entry Ability to clone PAR and NPP applications
How we will communicate with you Department of Agriculture Vessel Details Approval to Berth Non-Proclaimed Port Biosecurity Pratique Not shown: Ballast Water Legal Footnotes
Registration Agency Initial registration via MARS web portal Login details to agency super user after vetting by DA Agency super user can add and remove users All users within an agency have same level of access Master Agency user responsible for master registration Only need master name and ID for registration Once registered, MARS will login details to master Masters can directly lodge pre-arrival reports
Billing and Invoicing Ability to identify: port agent billing agent crew agent for each visit Single invoice per vessel per visit No record of service – up to date information Ability to view invoiced and non-invoiced service charges and payments via MARS
Industry Assurance Testing (IAT) Industry MARS will be tested over three rounds of industry testing 1 st round of testing to begin 21 September, with further rounds in November and February Nominations received from all major companies Aims to ensure MARS is ‘fit for business’ Provide an opportunity for business stakeholders to have a hands-on experience with MARS. Enable stakeholders to identify their own transition and change management activities. Provide input into the training and communication packs for MARS users.
Implementation Considerations Communications Information channels used Feedback provided Implementation and Training Access to users Combination of tools – how to guides, e-learning, direct Commence with testing phase Learning outcomes include: - Introduction to Departmental requirements/processes - How to use the system - tools, buttons, screens, registration
Publication type (sample) Publication types
Next Steps Work with industry champions on IAT Continued communications Build phase continued Develop training package Contacts and Information Travellers and Vessels Section: Website: