3rd period: 8th grade ELA honors Ms. Giusti September 29th, 2014 The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses: “He Wondered if He Had Carried the Whole Business Too Far” 3rd period: 8th grade ELA honors Ms. Giusti September 29th, 2014
What Are We Doing Today? Celebrations Finish The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses Last impressions: characterization Pre-reading Cairo: My City, Our Revolution
Learning Objectives CC RL 9.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CC RL 9.3 Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme CC RL 9. 5. Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise.
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses Review characterization from last class Finish reading The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses Last impressions: characterization Continue reading The Prisoner Wore Glasses (5 min) Write “Last Impressions” on the other side of the sheet List all of the things you know or feel about each of the characters at the end of the story (one for Brille, one for Hannetjie). Consult the story for specifics – QUOTES (10 min) Think-pair-share (4 min) Class discussion (4 min)
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses Two questions on your own: 1) Which character seemed to change the most? 2) Why do you think your perception of them changed? (5 min) Think pair share (2 min) Class discussion (3 min)
Tea Party Pairs will rotate to each desk pod every 1-2 minutes (timed by teacher). Only one pair moves; the other always stays at their desks. 1) listen to others’ phrases 2) discuss how their notecards/phrases might be related 3) speculate on what these cards might be about collectively * Using the notes you’ve taken, make up a summary with your group: “We think this text is about…”
Class Discussion What do we think the text we are reading is about?