The Tenure Process: Internal Establish an independent program with a clear focus that is innovative and takes advantage of our resources here at NCI and NIH Ask questions that are biologically interesting and relevant Don’t do experiments because they CAN be done-- ask what are the most interesting questions that NEED to be answered Avoid MPU’s (minimal publishable units)
The Tenure Process: External Develop interactions with investigators outside your lab: NIH interest groups, CCR faculties & working groups, NCI Spores Establish national/international reputation by attending conferences: AACR, FASEB, ASH, Genetics/Genomics Say yes to Grant Reviews, Study Sections Serve on Editorial Boards
Office of Scientific Programs Site Visits, Promotions, Reporting Gretchen White & RaeJean Hermanson (TT Contacts) L. Rockwood, G. Kidd, A. Mackey Office of the Director, CCR Seientific Directors: Robert Wiltrout, Lee Helman Associate Dir. Of Science: Michelle Bennett Deputies: Douglas Lowy, Larry Samelson, Jeffrey Strathern, Mark Udey Orientation of TT & Lab Chief CAB & CCR: For Incoming TT First Month
Office of Training and Education Jonathan Wiest, Vi Black, Terry Moody Office of Scientific Technology & Partnerships David Goldstein, Shoshana Segal Office of Information Technology Jeff Shilling Office of Communications Sue Fox, Dale Feuer, Donna Kerrigan Orientation of TT & Lab Chief For Incoming TT
Secondary Mentor or Advisory Committee Identify a Secondary Mentor or Establish an Advisory Committee YEAR ONE
Annual Tenure Track Evaluation YEARLY Lab Chief writes a formal evaluation each year in conjunction with the lab budget meeting. These evaluations are shared with the Deputy Director assigned to your lab, and the Office of Training and Education. If serious issues are raised, meetings with appropriate Senior Staff will be scheduled.
Site Visit or Advisory Committee Meeting Timing is everything… A site visit at year 2 or 3 is ideal timing for the tenure track clock Suggested Advisory Committee Meeting if the site visit cycle does not comply with your tenure clock; the earlier that you get feedback, the better Purpose: Critical feedback/evaluation of current and future plans YEAR TWO
Visibility Establish your Identity with a Scientific Community Participate in Meetings and Workshops LIFETIME
Ready for Tenure: The Paper Trail YEAR 6 Several high impact papers published in top tier journals Endorsement of your research program by Site Visit Teams and Boards of Scientific Counselors (2x); Must go up for tenure within 2 years of your BSC report Great Letters of Recommendation from Non-Collaborators
Institute Review Office: NCI Office of the Director Abby Sandler Florence Farber Brian Wojick Leslie Loomis
mo. Pre-Site Visit Information Site Visit Orientation Institute Review Office & CCR Site Visit Timeline (2 required for tenure; second site visit must occur within 2 years of promotion) -3 mo. Budget Pages, Animal Numbers, Personnel, Resource Requests -2.5 mo. Detailed Site Visit Write-up Practice Site Visit Talk Ground 0 Site Visit + 2mo. Site Visit Report comes back 2-3 wks later Measured Response to Site Visit Report for the BSC to consider BSC Mtg March July Nov 1mo. later BSC Final Recommendation 1mo. later Final Plan Site Visit Implementation Plan Conflict of Interest FOCUS