Revisions to the OSEP PPD Student Data Report for FY2006 July 18, 2007 Karen Schroll, Westat
Reasons for Revising the Student Data Report (SDR) To address grantees’ concerns about exiting students no longer receiving funding regardless of students’ enrollment status To collect data for PART Measure 1.2 of 2 – The percentage of scholars completing Special Education Personnel Preparation funded training programs who are knowledgeable and skilled in evidence-based practices for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. To align language in the SDR with NCLB and the IDEA 2004
SDR Student Funding Changes $0 will now be an allowable response for Section C, Item 2. Grantees will no longer be asked to exit students that are no longer receiving funding. Students will only be exited when they leave the program either through completion or noncompletion or when the grant ends.
Issues Related to Student Funding Changes Grantees should review how they defined their program in their grant proposal. Only students participating in this program should be included in this data collection. Grantees may reactivate students they exited in prior FYs who participated in the grant funded program in FY2006. Grantees should NOT reactivate students that were not participating in the program in FY2006.
PART Measure – Student Knowledge and Skills When a student exits grant supported training, grantees will now provide data on the student’s knowledge and skills.
New Items in Section E – Student Knowledge and Skills Did this student take the Praxis II Special Education exam during the current fiscal year? Yes, the student took the Praxis II Special Education exam. (If selected, go to Question 5) No (If selected, go to Question 8) Don’t Know (If selected, go to Section F)
New Items in Section E – Student Knowledge and Skills (Continued) What was the student’s score on the Praxis II Special Education exam? What was the Praxis II test code number for the exam the student took? Is this student’s score on the Praxis II Special Education exam considered passing in your state? Did the student take the Praxis II Special Education exam more than once in order to pass? Did the student take any other exam(s) or measure(s) that demonstrate knowledge and skills during this fiscal year? Yes (If selected, go to Question 9) No (If selected, go to Section F) Don’t Know (If selected, go to Section F)
New Items in Section E – Student Knowledge and Skills (Continued) Please type in the name(s) of the exam(s) or measure(s) that demonstrate knowledge and skills that the student took during this fiscal year. Then provide the student’s score on each exam or measure. Indicate whether this score is considered passing in your state and if the student took the test more than once to pass. Name of exam or measure Student’s ScoreIs this score passing in your state? Did the student take this test more than once to pass? Yes No Don’t Know Yes No Don’t Know Yes No Don’t Know Yes No Don’t Know
NCLB and IDEA 2004 Language Regarding Teacher Credentials All of the employment sections of the SDR include an item about the student’s qualifications for his or her current assignment. (Section B, Item 7; Section D, Item 6; Section F, Item 7). Prior versions of the SDR, used the wording “fully credentialed” and “less than fully credentialed.” These items were changed to use the language from NCLB and IDEA – Is this student {highly qualified/qualified/fully certified} for this position under IDEAand/or No Child Left Behind? {Highly qualified/Qualified/Fully certified} for purposes of this data collection means that the student meets the state requirements, if there are requirements in your state, for certification/licensure for this position? {Highly qualified/Qualified/Fully certified} {Not highly qualified/Not qualified/Not fully certified}
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Please use the feedback form at your table to let us know what areas need to be clarified or added to this year’s FAQ.