Conference on Social Services: A tool for mobilizing workforce and strengthening Social Cohesion (Prague 22-23 April 2009) Panel III - Social services:


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Presentation transcript:

Conference on Social Services: A tool for mobilizing workforce and strengthening Social Cohesion (Prague April 2009) Panel III - Social services: An effective tool for active inclusion Social services in a balanced approach to active inclusion strategies Aurelio Fernández SPC - Chairman

Social services: Two faces of a productive factor Social Services, in developing its general interest function aimed at social cohesion and solidarity, are a productive factor. Social services today, in addition to their general interest functions, are receiving increased attention for the potential of contribution to economic growth and recovery..

Economic recovery, EU internal market and Social Services Achieving the full potential derived from the consolidation of the EU internal market is mentioned as key among the economic measures neccesary for economic recovery. SPC has been working in recent years and will continue to work in 2009 ( SPC working group) on two important topics related : -Further clarification of the Community legal framework applying to SSGI and its different actors, necessary to ensure that this internal market potential is finally obtained. - The development of a voluntary EU Quality framework for social services. Something also necessary for consolidating the EU internal market in a sustainable way.

Comprehensive and integrated active inclusion strategies: European aim EPCSO Council (dic 2008) endorsed the aim of designing and implementing comprehensive and integrated national strategies to promote the active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market on the basis of the common principles and guidelines of the Commission Recommendation C(2008)5737. The important approach of this Recommendation is the fact that the three dimensions- access to sufficient resources; access to labour market and access to quality services are closely intertwined and only work in coordination.

SPC role in supporting implementation of active inclusion strategies through social OMC.(I) The EPSCO Council (dic 2008) invited the Commission and Member States to: -Implement appropriate monitoring of the application of the common active inclusion principles using the social OMC, in coordination with the European Employment Strategy. - To mobilise the resources of the Structural Funds, an in particular the ESF, to support active inclusion measures

SPC role in supporting implementation of active inclusion strategies through social OMC.(II) SPC is focussing in 2009 on the implementation of the active inclusion strategies on the basis of the Commission Recommendation: -The monitoring and evaluation framework for the common principles is being discussed. -SPC working group on active inclusion is operative. - Indicators Sub-group of the SPC is working on improving indicators and information systems to upgrade capacity to produce comparable information across all active inclusion pillars.

Social Services have a major rol in the policy responses to the crisis: National recovery plans are orienting resources to investment in social services infrastructures Health and social services appear as a field where demand and jobs vacancies still have a potential to be exploited. Taylored-made reintegration strategies to the labour market for those more excluded require a strong support from quality social services. A number of essential services supports today main active inclusion strategies for those more vulnerable affected by the crisis (from social assistance to health and other social services).

Social Services contribute to active inclusion strategies Proximity of social services to those in most vulnerable situations provide an added value to integrated active inclusion strategies. Implementing active inclusion strategies for those further away from the labour market imply a participatory approach by different actors, connecting civil society organisations, social partners, public employment services, and local authorities

Social Services are a necessary component of Active Inclusion Strategies Implementing comprehensive and integrated active inclusion policies, based on the common principles on active inclusion, in strategies and policy responses to the crisis is urgent to avoid further levels of exclusion and lost of human capital..