Students sign the homeroom roster (class list) when you have received schedule. Teachers: Return list to the Attendance Office in your homeroom envelope. This needs to be done at the end of homeroom.
Homeroom Attendance: *If a student reports to your homeroom whose name is NOT on your class list, direct the student to the library. Teachers: record attendance manually on the class lists given to you.
Pass out Student Schedules and ID cards: All first day schedules will be on GOLDENROD paper. Check your personal information on your schedules for accuracy of name, address, grade level, etc. If there is an inaccuracy, write your name and the corrected information on an index card. Teachers: Place index card(s) in your homeroom envelope. Copy schedules and note which lunch you have for “A” AND “B” day. Students keep your COMPUTER PRINTOUT SCHEDULE and turn in the handwritten one. Teachers: keep this schedule on file. Make sure that you have SEVEN periods. If you are missing a period(s), write your name and the vacant period(s) on a separate index card. You will need to report to the Counseling Office during your “vacant” period. Teacher: Return all index cards in your homeroom envelope to the Attendance Office. Students without a schedule should go to the library to be enrolled. Teachers: Return “No Show” student schedules in your homeroom envelope to the Attendance Office.
I.D. Cards: If a student does not receive an ID card in the homeroom envelope, one will need to be made. Mr. Harris will send an announcing the time for pictures to be taken for ID cards. Standards of Dress: Teachers: distribute the FWISD Dress Code Policy. Students sign the acknowledgement form Teachers: Collect and send back signed forms in your homeroom envelope.
Schedule Changes: TODAY IS NOT THE DAY TO MAKE SCHEDULE CHANGES!!!!! Students may request a schedule change by completing and turning in the “Schedule Change Request” form. Forms will be located outside the Counseling Center. A student should take the request, complete, and return it to the box outside the Counseling Center. Counselors will call in students, when possible. All “Schedule Change Request” forms are due by Friday, August 27 th. A student must follow his/her old schedule until a new schedule is written. No student should leave class to request a schedule change. Students will be given their new schedules IF the changes are approved.
Return your Homeroom Envelope with the following items to the Attendance Office: Homeroom Class List with signatures “No Show” student schedules Index Cards with student information changes Index Cards with schedule vacancies or duplicate classes Dress Code Acknowledgement Form