111 MakingConnections Focus on Curriculum Resources
222 Focus on Curriculum Resources 90 minute workshop Facilitator/s: Date:
333 Workshop purpose You are here to develop detailed knowledge and understanding of the application of the PrimaryConnections approach in the exemplary curriculum resources.
444 Workshop outline (90 minutes) INTRO:Purpose, outline, outcomes (5 mins) ENGAGE:Analyse the elements of a PrimaryConnections curriculum unit (20 mins)and identify the priority elements to examine in more detail EXPLORE:Explore the identified priority elements of a curriculum unit in more (25 mins)detail and prepare a summary of new understandings EXPLAIN:Explain what you have learnt to a partner and generate questions (20 mins)Listen to an update ELABORATE:Prepare an action plan for work required prior to teaching this (10 mins)unit EVALUATE:Re-visit the Curriculum unit analyser and complete the final column (10 mins)Evaluate workshop
555 Outcomes On completion of this module participants will understand: the scope and sequence of the suite of PrimaryConnections curriculum resources the alignment of the resources with the Australian Curriculum:Science the way the units and resources are arranged for ease of use to meet the needs of teachers the detail of one of the curriculum units at the preferred year level or stage that all necessary elements of effective science teaching and learning are provided and explained that the resources are entirely focused on developing students’ science concepts and skills
777 The five foundation principles of Primary Connections A quick review!
888 PhaseFocusAssessment focus ENGAGEEngage students and elicit prior knowledgeDiagnostic assessment EXPLOREProvide hands-on experience of the phenomenonFormative assessment EXPLAIN Develop scientific explanations for observations and represent developing conceptual understanding Consider current scientific explanations Formative assessment ELABORATEExtend understanding to a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student-planned investigation Summative assessment of the Science Inquiry Skills (SIS) EVALUATEStudents re-represent their understanding and reflect on their learning journey and teachers collect evidence about the achievement of outcomes Summative assessment of the Science Understanding (SU) PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model A quick review!
999 Australian Curriculum:Science Three interrelated strands: Science Understanding (SU) Science Inquiry Skills (SIS) Science as a Human Endeavour (SHE) Presented as “content” with “elaborations” for each year level An achievement Standard for each year is also presented A quick review!
10 The curriculum unit analyser
12 Explore your priority elements Explore the priority elements of your curriculum unit that you identified in the Engage phase You will provide a summary of your new understandings to a partner at the Explain phase Priority elementWhat do I know?What have I learnt?
14 Explain your priority elements Provide a summary of your new understandings to a partner focussing on your notes in column 3. Record, on sticky notes, any questions that arise Priority elementWhat I knowWhat have I learnt?
TRIAL 15 Major message The Australian Curriculum:Science outlines the “what” of the curriculum….what should be taught and learnt. It does not outline how teachers deliver the curriculum. How do you actually do this at the most fundamental “coal face” level….the teacher and the students?
TRIAL 16 PrimaryConnections…….. ………..provides the “what” and the “how”!!!
17 Teacher Flash Cards
18 Student Flash Cards
19 Feathers – Interactive Resource
20 Resource kits
21 Costs and ordering All costs are available on the website All ordering done via the website Online Online with printed fax order form All professional learning registered online
22 PrimaryConnections website All teaching information and resources in members section
24 Prepare an action plan ACTIONWHENBY WHOMCOMPLETED
26 The curriculum unit analyser