Are we fair to them and do we need to be? ANIMAL RIGHTS
Life and Being Alive If something has life, then it deserves consideration Too vague? All part of the food chain? Humans allow killing of their own species, why not animals? CRITERIA FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS
Having Interests Only beings that have interests have rights Animals do, but cannot express them Attributes of Soul, Mind and Feelings Difficulty of proving a soul, would that even mandate moral rights Obvious that animals have experiences and emotions CRITERIA FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS
Reason Animals have it on a rudimentary level, known by language experiments Human beings with severe impairments maybe at the same level They get rights, should all animals? CRITERIA FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS
Vegetarianism Only vegetables Some not any animal products at all – vegans Some not even vegetables from plants that need to be killed (potatoes – Jainists Sentientism Respect animals’ mental states, not plants Wholism Every living thing deserves respect WAYS OF DEALING WITH ANIMAL RIGHTS
Domestication of animals came from “free range” system Now more “factory farming” Even some engineering occurs Vegetarian position Totally against these practices Carnivore position No moral obligations, best quality of meat Moderate position Seeks humane treatment of animals to be used for food USE OF ANIMALS FOR FOOD
Humans would have to be used Cures would not be found Training would be limited Progress in science at a standstill Animals have much less value Better than allowing them to die without purpose ARGUMENTS FOR ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION
Animals suffer pain similar to humans Apply Kant’s practical imperative Some experiments unnecessary to the health of humans Suggest other methods could be found or scientific progress should not be made ARGUMENTS AGAINST ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION
Experiments must be absolutely necessary to the health and well- being of humans Should not be used to satisfy curiosity Must take care to avoid additional pain MODERATE POSITION
Ancient activity of man Controlling animal population Desire for animal meat and other body parts KILLING ANIMALS FOR SPORT SHOULD BE ALLOWED
Ancient activity no longer required Animal population will control No further need for wild game or body parts KILLING ANIMALS FOR SPORT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED