Clones By: Jeremy Gervasini, Jason Foster, Anthony Conoscenti and Alex Einbinder
Introduction to Cloning Cloning is the process of doubling a animal, people and anything else I can think of. Scientists studying a particular gene often use bacterial plasmids do generate multiple copies of the same gene. Plasmids are self- replicating extra-chromosomal circular DNA molecules, distinct from the normal bacterial.
Should humans be cloned? Physicians from the American Medical Association and scientists with the American Association for the Advancement of Science have announced in public that they are against human cloning. Due to the inefficiency of animal cloning (only about 1 or 2 viable offspring for every 100 experiments) and the lack of understanding about reproductive cloning, many scientists believe that it would be “unethical” to even attempt to clone humans. They believe this because about 30% of clones born alive are affected with “large offspring syndrome”, along with other disabilities.
Pro’s of Cloning Some pro’s of cloning is…… Fewer natural animals will be used for studies. Food sources infinitely replenishible “Ability to produce super humans” Medical methods will be thrusted into a new area
Con’s of cloning Some pro’s of cloning is….. “ability to produce super humans” Countries could clone armies Animal rights could be considered violated If humans can be cloned it makes them property, which can be sold. Inhumane
Our Opinion Our opinion on cloning is bad. We think that this is bad because other countries will be able to clone armies and that would not be good. They would be able to clone more nuclear weapon. This is why we think that cloning is bad.
Summary We learned that cloning is bad because it can clone anything such as armies and weapons and that would not be good. We also learned that cloning can clone humans and dogs. It can also make a super human.
Bibliography Info on cloning information about cloning cloning Try to clone Mimi