Discursive Writing A guide to... Unit Overview Today’s Learning Intentions Essay Structure Topics Topic Sentences Openings
Discursive Writing During this unit we will be... Learning the features of Discursive Writing. Learning how to make a convincing argument. Working in groups. Identifying features of a Discursive Essay Learning how to successfully plan for a Discursive Essay. Thinking about our thoughts and feelings about issues throughout. Writing a Discursive Essay on a topic chosen by yourself.
Discursive Writing Today’s Learning Intentions: For you to have decided on your essay structure For you to have began doing some research for your essay.
Discursive Writing Topics for Essay: Cloning - a tremendous medical advance or a worrying development? Should Britain bring back capital punishment? Social Networking sites should be controlled by the government. Discuss. CCTV is an intrusion on our privacy. Discuss. Should humans treat farm animals more humanely?
Discursive Writing Topics for Essay: Is there any place for zoos in a civilised society? Homework is a waste of time. Learning should take place at school. Discuss. Should athletes be allowed to take drugs to enhance their performance providing the drugs do no long-term damage to their bodies? There should be a night-time curfew for youngsters under the age of fourteen. Parents who buy their children games with an age rating of above what their child’s age is should be punished.
Discursive Writing Essay Structure 1 – Capital Punishment should be brought back: Intro – Explain that your are going to be arguing for or against the idea that capital punishment should be brought back. Para 2 – FOR capital punishment - point 1 – (advantages) Para 3 – FOR capital punishment - point 2 – (advantages) Para 4 – FOR capital punishment - point 3 – (advantages) Para 5 – AGAINST capital punishment - point 1 – (disadvantages) Para 6 – AGAINST capital punishment - point 2 – (disadvantages) Para 7 – AGAINST capital punishment - point 3 – (disadvantages) Conclusion – this should summarise they key arguments from above and conclude it with YOUR own opinion/argument.
Discursive Writing Essay Structure 2 – Capital Punishment should be brought back: Intro – Explain that your are going to be arguing for or against the idea that capital punishment should be brought back. Para 2 – FOR capital punishment - point 1 – (advantages) Para 3 – FOR capital punishment - point 2 – (advantages) Para 4 – FOR capital punishment - point 3 – (advantages) Para 5 – AGAINST capital punishment - point 1 - (disadvantages) Para 6 – AGAINST capital punishment - point 1 - (disadvantages) Para 7 – AGAINST capital punishment - point 1 - (disadvantages) Conclusion – this should summarise they key arguments from above and conclude it with YOUR own opinion/argument.
Discursive Writing Topic Sentences A topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph. It should link to the last sentence of the previous paragraph in some way. The reader should be able to read the topic sentence alone and be able to work out what the remainder of the paragraph will be talking about. A topic sentence sums up what the paragraph is going to be about.
Discursive Writing Topic Sentences “It can be argued that capital punishment is an ineffective way of disciplining those that break rules or the law as it teaches those who have done wrong that violence is acceptable.” The paragraph is then going to go on to talk about – in depth – that capital punishment is unacceptable and perhaps give examples from other countries about criminals re-offending, despite the use of capital punishment.
Discursive Writing Topic Sentences Individually, write a topic sentence for a paragraph which will contain the following points: Capital punishment is effective because: ◦It shows people that their actions are unacceptable ◦It encourages them not to do the same crime again because if they do the capital punishment will be even more severe.
Discursive Writing - openings Argumentative Discursive Essay Present both sides of the argument and state your own opinion in the opening and conclusion. Use the persuasive language you are familiar with (“it is said that….” “it has been argued that…” “I believe…” etc) Mention your main arguments explicitly in the opening. INTERESTING language, get the reader’s attention.
Discursive Writing - openings Balanced Discursive Essay Present both points of view you will be discussing, in a balanced way. You should not be using persuasive language; merely presenting the for’s and against’s that you will be discussing in your argument. INTERESTING language, get the reader’s attention.
Discursive Writing – openings “Foxhunting is an issue which has received much media attention in recent years, causing great controversy between hunters and animal rights groups. Those who participate in the hunt claim that it is a traditional countryside pursuit in which the fox meets with a quick and painless death. However, anti-foxhunting organisations view the hunt as unnecessarily cruel and out of place in today’s society. I strongly agree with this view and believe it should be banned”