Ethics group Ulla Luhtasela Aung Zaw Naing Lin Sk. Akhtar Ahmad Varaporn Podprasart Julaporn Srinha Gunawan Pratama Yoga Matiar Rahman
Outline of the presentation 1. Prevention of AIDS 2. Support for HIV-infected people
Prevention of AIDS Education The role of law The role of religion Need for animal and human experiments
Prevention is difficult Lack of knowledge Change of human behavior Education is one of the most important tools for the fight against HIV spread
Education Necessary component in AIDS prevention Education + practical tools => powerful motivator Makes people realize that they are at risk
Developing countries Limited resources Should be targeted to -high risk groups (quick response) -education of young people (slow response) Effective country-driven prevention plans
Prevention plan for CSW Victims Use of condoms depends on many factors Health care Condoms available Reach out projects Education in proper languages Options available
Big question is Should we legalize prostitution??????????? Yes? -exists anyway -makes prevention easier No? -promotes prostitution
Prevention plan for youth Young people are specially vulnerable Difficulties to talk about issue Education in schools -reach almost everyone -start at young age Education by peer-educators -model of Malaysia
The Role of Law Compulsory reporting of HIV and AIDS Mandatory testing for AIDS Penal sanctions for knowingly spreading HIV Disclosure of HIV-positive status
THAILAND “The diseases requiring notification” –Examination compulsory –Termination of action –Ordered to quit job –Report in 24 h –Violation: fines and imprisonment THAILAND –Voluntary testing and reporting –No notification needed
The role of religion Very powerful tool Religious leaders Social pressure Don’t accept -homosexuals -pre-marital sex -multiple sex partners Negative: Prohibit condom use
Animal experiments Scientist Agree Ethical problems: Animals are living and feeling Morally wrong to cause pain Data don’t always correlate with humans New knowledge and techniques production & testing for vaccines and medicine understand disease processes toxicity, carcinogenicity and teratogenicity Animal rights? Animal testing
Alternative choices 1) Refine: more comfortable life and less pain 2) Replace: change animals or way of using them genetic engineering computer models 3) Reduce: lowering the need or number
Human testing Benefit: Maximize the benefit, Minimize the risk Justice: Benefit > Risk Respect: Must be volunteer based and treated with respect