Italian Unification Italy before unification: People of each region identify themselves by their region. People from Tuscany were Tuscans, not Italians. Congress of Vienna Northern Italy is ruled by Austrian Hapsburgs Southern Italy (Naples and Sicily) is ruled by a French Bourbon MEATBALL SIGHTING! 1830 – Giuseppe Mazzini Founds “Young Italy” – goal: create a unified Italian ruled state The “Risorgimento” is born Attempts to set up a republic in Rome, but is toppled by the French After 1848, leadership of the Risorgimento passes to the Kingdom of Sardinia Ruled by Victor Emmanuel II
Italian Unification MEATBALL SIGHTING Count Camillo Cavour Prime Minister of Sardinia Like Bismarck, a believer of Realpolitik Improves agriculture in Sardinia Builds railroads Supports free trade (trade without barriers) Goal: End Austrian power in Italy Crimean War Sardinia, Britain and France vs Russia Russia loses The Sardinian payoff: A deal with France If Sardinia and Austria go to war, France will support Sardinia The war happens and Sardinia defeats Austria, annexing Lombardy Nationalist movements in other parts of Italy overthrow Austrian governments and join Sardinia
Italian Unification MEATBALL SIGHTING Giuseppe Garibaldi Nationalist. Ally of Mazzini With Cavour’s help, he recruits 1,000 men to his army of “Red Shirts” and took over control of Sicily and Naples. Cavour feared Garibaldi’s success He thought Garibaldi might set up his own government in the South. Instead, Sardinian forces, after defeating the Papal States, join up with Garibaldi Garibaldi turns over the lands the Red Shirts had captured to Victor Emmanuel and Sardinia. 1861 Victor Emmanuel II is crowned King of Italy. After the Austrian-Prussia war, Italy is awarded the province of Venetia from the Prussian for staying out of the war. During the Franco-Prussian war, France withdrew its troops from the city of Rome, leaving Italy completely unified fro the first time since the Roman Empire