“Under a Native Prince” Unification of Italy “Under a Native Prince”
Factors Hindering Unification Must unify 9 separate Italian states Geographic division (North and South very different) High rate of poverty and illiteracy Opposition to unification from Austria, France and the Pope Congress of Vienna gave Austria and France much power in Italy How to unify (Republic, Const. Monarchy, or Federation under the Pope???)
Hindered by multiple states and Austria
3 leaders of Italian Unification Mazzini --- “The Soul” Garibaldi --- “The Sword” Cavour ---- “The Brain”
Mazzini “The Soul” Revolutionary republican founder of Young Italy (nationalist group) Inspiration for unification - lays the groundwork of Nationalism
Garibaldi Red Shirts “The Sword” revolutionary republican mercenary in South America Red Shirts (volunteers who helped Garibaldi)
Symbol of the Red Shirts
Kingdom of Piedmont/Sardinia Kingdom had a monarchy Victor Immanuel II - a native prince Count Cavour “The Brain” becomes prime minister of Sardinia; builds up Sardinia economically
Steps in unification - all orchestrated by the Brain!!! 1) Cavour makes an alliance with France against Austria France’s Napoleon III agrees to help them in war against Austria. Napoleon does not favor Italian unification but hopes to weaken Austria Sardinia hopes to get Lombardy & Venetia France would get Nice & Savoy from Sardinia
2) Sardinia gains Lombardy, but not Venetia because France backs out (but still wants payment from Sardinia) by signing Treaty of Villa Franca with Austria 3) other northern Italian states revolt against their rulers - vote to join with Sardinia - so Northern Italy united under Sardinia
4) Garibaldi (paid by Cavour) liberates Kingdom of Two Sicilies from foreign ruler; marches north with his 1000 Red Shirts
5) Cavour convinces Garibaldi to give Sicilies to a United Italy under Victor Emmanuel II - unites northern & southern Italy
Victor Immanuel II Garibaldi
What’s left to unite?? Venetia & Papal State of Rome
6) Venetia added in 1866 when Prussia defeats Austria (NOTE: tie in w/ German Unification wars)
7) Rome added in 1870-71 when France withdraws troops from Rome because of Franco-Prussian War
Rome made Capital of New Italian Nation-State
But Pope objects: Vatican separate
Problems after Unification Weak economy but high taxes Mafia forms due to corruption in govt. No experience with democracy Pope forbids Catholic participation in govt. Alliance with Germany Multiple political parties Unstable govt. leads to mass emigration Scramble for colonies for prestige (Imperialism)