Grade 11 History The Unification of Italy Review Quiz Name: ____________ Date: ______________ /25 1. In 1815 Italian nationalists faced many problems: a)Venetia and Lombardy was controlled by _______________ b)The Papal states and Rome was controlled by ____________ Name two other problems Nationalists faced: c) ___________________________________________________ d) ___________________________________________________ 4 Marks
2. a)In 1831, Mazzini started a secret nationalist organization called _______________________________ In 1848 Giuseppe Mazzini inspired nationalists to revolt in Sicily. b) The united Italian forces almost succeeded in driving ___________ out of the Italian Peninsula. c) However, the Pope opposed a war with another __________ country. d) The people of Italy were furious and the Pope was forced to flee. Nationalists declared Rome a republic and summoned ___________ to head the government. e) The expulsion of the pope caused _________ to send soldiers to restore the Pope. They stayed in Rome until f) The events of 1848 caused many Italian Nationalists to lose faith with ___________ revolutionary methods. 6 Marks 3. Count Camillo di Cavour was the chief advisor to Victor Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia. a)After the 1848 failure what were Cavour’s three main goals to help achieve Italian independence?_______________________ ___________________________________________________ 2 Marks
3. b)In 1858, Cavour met secretly with Napoleon III in France. What did the two leaders agree? ___________________________________________________ c)In 1859, Austria went to war with Sardinia and France. The Austrians was defeated in two major battles. Why did Napoleon III sign a peace treaty with the Austrian? __________ ___________________________________________________ d)The Treaty gave _________ to Sardinia but __________ stayed under Austrian control. e)In 1859, the states of Tuscany, Modena, Parma and Romagna overthrew their leaders and demanded the right to unify with Sardinia. Cavour got Napoleon III’s consent by giving ____________ and _____________ to France. 6 Marks 4. Giuseppe Garibaldi led a revolt which helped unite Italy. a)Garibaldi’s army was known as the ___________ b)His army defeated the army of ____________________ c)In the 1860 elections the voters in the south agreed to _____________ with Sardinia. d)__________________ was now king of a unified Italy. 4 Marks
4. Which Italian Nationalist was most important in the fight for Italian unity? Explain your answer._____________________________ ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3 Marks