INSERT PROJECT ACRONYM HERE BY EDITING THE MASTER SLIDE (VIEW / MASTER / SLIDE MASTER) Monique Petitdidier IPSL/CETP CEOS/WGISS Budapest, 8 May 2006 Dissemination and Exploitation of GRids in Earth sciencE
Summary Grid and Earth Science Grid and Earth Science DEGREE project overview DEGREE project overview DEGREE: European Specific Support Action (FP6- IST) starting on June 1, 2006 (FP6- IST) starting on June 1, 2006
Earth Science and GRID ES aware of the great potential of GRID ES aware of the great potential of GRID initial results in DataGrid, CrossGrid, EGEE…. ES applications need consolidated/stable GRID infrastructures ES applications need consolidated/stable GRID infrastructures community wait for easy + guaranteed application interface e-collaboration e-collaboration GRID will enable sharing of data sources, tools, means, models, algorithms … GRID as infrastructure for international cooperative development GMES - Global Monitoring for Environment and Security; GEOSS - Global Earth Observation System of Systems; …
ES Science applications in EGEE ESA, UTV, KNMI, IPSL- Production (3 algorithms) and validation of 7 years of Ozone profiles from GOME (IPGP) Rapid Earthquake analysis (mechanism and epicenter) CPUs CRS4, UNINE- Modeling seawater intrusion in costal aquifer (SWIMED) CGG- Geosciences: Geocluster for Academy and industry IISAS-Flood of the Danube river-Cascade of models (meteorology,hydraulc,hydrodynamic….) SAR, GOCE,…. Specfem3D: Benchmark for MPI(2 to 2000CPUs) DKRZ- climate impacts on agriculture Meteorology Air Pollution model
DEGREE project overview
10 partners - 7 countries Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia - IISAS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France - CNRS Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands - KNMI Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland - UNINE Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Italy - CRS4 Fraunhofer Institute, Germany - SCAI Geophysical Center Russian Academic Science, Russia - GCRAS European Space Agency, Italy - ESA-ESRIN Compagnie Générale de Géophysique, France - CGG Dutch Space, The Netherlands - Dutch Space DEGREE PARTNERS
DEGREE project vision Earth Science Community RequirementsRequirements TechnologiesTechnologies FeedbackFeedback ApplicationsApplications DisseminationDissemination ES VOs EGEE & various GRIDS
DEGREE Strategic Objectives Disseminate, promote uptake of Grid in wider ES community Disseminate, promote uptake of Grid in wider ES community Reduce the gap between ES Users and Grid Technology Reduce the gap between ES Users and Grid Technology Explain and convince ES users of Grid benefits and capability to tackle new and complex problems Explain and convince ES users of Grid benefits and capability to tackle new and complex problems
DEGREE Challenges Requirements from ES complex applications Requirements from ES complex applications Requirements of different ES domains Applications may use non-standardized protocols/tools Disseminate ES requirements to Grid Community Disseminate ES requirements to Grid Community EGEE Other Grid middleware Propose test suite Evaluate Grid middleware, tools and standards Evaluate Grid middleware, tools and standards Data management: OGSA-DAI, metadata catalogs, … Job management: workflow, near real-time job execution, fault tolerance, … Portal: JSR-168 and WSRF technologies, Gridsphere, OGCE, Sakai, … Access the capabilities of Grid to fulfill ES application requirements Access the capabilities of Grid to fulfill ES application requirements Need tight cooperation with developers to follow the evolution Developers can benefit from the feedbacks
INSERT PROJECT ACRONYM HERE BY EDITING THE MASTER SLIDE (VIEW / MASTER / SLIDE MASTER) Expected Results & Impact Role of Grids for ES community reviewed & re-assessed Technology gaps and issues identified. Solutions for advancement proposed and activated Increased awareness about Grids and Collaboration. ES Grid community identified, targeted, informed. Grid potential and benefits assessed, explained & illustrated. ES community convinced and committed to Grids Vision and strategy for Grid advancement in ES defined. ES community roadmap for Grid developed Increased exploitation and collaboration on Grids New interest and awareness generated about Grid in ES.