My country, Italy My country is Italy, it is a beautiful country. There are two big islands: Sardinia and Sicily. The capital city is Rome, other important cities are: Milan, Turin, Naples, Palermo, Venice, Genoa, Verona, Florence. There is a beautiful sea: Mediterraneum sea (Ionio sea, Tirreneum sea, Adriatic sea). The longest river and the most important is river Po, other rivers are: Tevere, Adige, Arno and Reno. The lakes are: Garda lake, Como lake, Iseo lake, Bolsena lake, Bracciano lake and Trasimeno lake.
The capital is Rome Rome is the capital of Italy. It is a beautiful city for its monuments and churches. There is also the Vatican with the Pope: Francesco I.
The “Altare della Patria”
The Roman Ruins “ Fori Imperiali”
In Rome we can visit… The Coliseum Trevi’s Fountain St. Peter Church
Our two big islands… Sardinia Sicily
Other important cities Verona Venice Milan
Florence Naples Turin
Genoa Palermo