Gathering Weather Data Section 12.3
Data From Earth’s Surface Meteorologists measure temperature, air pressure, wind speed, and relative humidity Thermometer – measures temperature; Fahrenheit or Celsius; liquid in glass or bimetallic strip Barometer – measures air pressure; mercury or aneroid
Data From Earth’s Surface Anemometer – measures wind speed Wind vane – measures the direction of wind Hygrometer – measures humidity; sling psychrometer
Automated Surface Observing NWS, FAA, and Dept. of Defense established the ASOS. Began in 1990’s 24/7 weather data Provides info for aviation, weather forecasting, and weather research
Data in the Upper Atmosphere Radiosonde is an instrument for gathering data in the upper atmosphere Include sensors and transmitters Suspended from a weather balloon Rawindsonde = radar + wind + radiosonde Began in 1980’s now replaced by GPS tracking